E-Learning/Virtual Assignments

Zoom Recordings

Tuesday, 11/24

Watch today's Zoom meeting and sing along. Today I will work with Soprano 1 on Christmas in About 3 Minutes. Soprano 2 and Alto- Listen to the recordings of A La Nanita and Grown-Up Christmas List. Then, send me an email and explain 2 things you improved.

Monday, 11/23

Popcorn Fundraiser due today. Email Mr. VanAntwerp a picture of your order form.

Watch today's Zoom meeting and sing along. Today I will work with Soprano 2 on Christmas in About 3 Minutes. Soprano 1 and Alto- Listen to the recordings of A La Nanita and Grown-Up Christmas List. Then,

Altos send me an email and explain what you need to work on in each song.

Soprano 1 send me an email and explain 2 things you improved.

Friday, 11/20

Watch today's Zoom meeting and sing along. Today I will work with Altos on Christmas in About 3 Minutes. Soprano 1 and Soprano 2- Listen to the recordings of A La Nanita Audio Links to an external site. and Grown-Up Audio Links to an external site.. Then, send me an email and explain what you need to work on in each song.