Course Syllabus

Welcome to your online choir class tool!  Every student in a choir class will be assigned exercises in Music Theory (all located in the "Concert Choir" class) to be done using your school assigned MacBook.  Music Theory Exercises will be scored and returned on Canvas.  This is the written portion of class.  If you are absent you may still complete the exercises at home.  In fact you are encouraged to work at your own pace on completing these exercises, so there are no specified due dates. A general rule is that for every class day you should complete one music theory assignment.  As noted in the Choral Handbook, work done on canvas will account for 30% of your total grade in the SIS grade book system. Assignments will be graded and  "zeroed out" weekly.

There are multiple levels of Music Theory ranging from basic to advanced, level 1-8. The expectation is that you complete one level each semester. If you would like to work ahead and complete multiple levels in one semester, you may. After you have completed a level, email a request to Mr. Stuck to unlock the next level.

If you encounter broken links or problems with the exercises please email or speak with Mr. Stuck in class. 

Download Belton Choral Handbook 18-19.pdf

Download 18-19 Concert Schedule.pdf

Class Website Link Links to an external site.

On the class website you will find the Choral Handbook, Choir Events Schedule, Practice Tracks, and other information.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due