17) Key Signature Quiz
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- Points 15
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Key Signature Quiz -
You get one chance to name a key signature. There are 15 problems and you get 1 minute per question. Screen shot your best score and submit. You receive one point per key signature. This is the last assignment of this level.
www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/oy999yydxdyyy Links to an external site.
Too identify sharp key signatures: 1) Identify the note name of the last sharp in the key signature 2) Go up a half-step from that sharp to find the major key 3) 6 and 7 sharps have a sharp after the name
Too identify flat key signatures: 1) Identify the 2nd to last flat 2)Name that flat - include flat in the name
Exceptions: If the key signature is one flat you must memorize the key is F.
If the key signature has no sharps and flats the key is C