15) Flat Key Signatures
- Due Oct 15, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 4
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Oct 14, 2020 at 12am - Dec 16, 2020 at 11:59pm
E-Learning Wednesday, October 14
Complete the Flat Key Signature assignment below.
Key Signatures
The key signature is located at the beginning of a composition (after the clef) and each stave. It is made of sharps or flats and identifies the key of the composition. "The key" of the composition tells you what note name is "Do". The sharps or flats in a key signature apply to every pitch of that name no matter the octave.
Too identify flat key signatures: 1) Identify the 2nd to last flat 2) name that flat - include flat in the name
--If the 2nd to last flight is Db the key is Db
--note: if the key signature is one flat you must memorize the key is F

The following exercise is to practice flat key signatures:
www.musictheory.net/exercises/keysig/oyyh9yyyyyy (Links to an external site.)
"Turn in" the assignment by taking a screen capture of your exercise with 10 correct answers out of 12 attempts in the score area and "file upload". RESET the score after your attempts exceed 12. Be sure to capture the entire exercise.