The Truth About Gluten
- Due Feb 26, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 12
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types pdf
Please remember to take attendance (for your first period class only) on this form. Links to an external site.
We will be staring our Breads unit this week- and a huge part of bread and baking is understanding the ingredients and what they do. So today you will be reading an article on gluten. Directions are below.
Read the following article: The Truth About Gluten.pdf
Download The Truth About Gluten.pdf
And fill out the following: Reading 4 Corners.pdf
Download Reading 4 Corners.pdf
**Each box must contain 2-3 sentences please!!**
When finished, submit through canvas as a pdf.
If you have any questions, please email me! I will be checking my email frequently throughout the day. Enjoy your snow day : )