Interactive Media - DOE Code: 5232

Interactive Media prepares students for careers in business and industry working with interactive media products and services; which includes the entertainment industries.

This course emphasizes the development of digitally generated or computer-enhanced products using multimedia technologies. Students will develop an understanding of professional business practices including the importance of ethics, communication skills, and knowledge of the “virtual workplace”.

This course will allow students to have experiences in various software programs involved in creating multimedia presentations, digital movies, digital animation, and introductory scripting

Students explore the role of contemporary marketing and design.

DOE Code: 5232

Recommended Grade Level: Grade 11-12

Recommended Prerequisites: IT Essentials or Introduction to Communications

Credits: 1-3 credit per semester, maximum of 6 credits

Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas

This course is aligned with postsecondary courses for Dual Credit: Ivy Tech VISC 115 Introduction to Computer Graphics OR VISC 150 Video & Sound VISC 200 Interactive Media Dual Credit. This course provides the opportunity for dual credit for students who meet postsecondary requirements for earning dual credit and successfully complete the dual credit requirements of this course.

TO READ MORE ABOUT THE CLASS STANDARDS: Click HERE Links to an external site.

Domain – Video/Audio Production Core Standard 6 Students perform basic skills and understanding of different audio and video processes to be use for multimedia purposes.

Domain – Photography/Digital Imaging Core Standard 7 Students model photographic skills for the use in interactive media projects.

Domain – Programming/Animation/Gaming Core Standard 8 Student incorporate basic programming, animation and gaming skills to be used in an interactive media projects.

Domain – Project Management Core Standard 9 Students reinforce their knowledge and skills in media design and production for project planning and project development.