May 31, 2018 - Thursday
- Click here Links to an external site.for our career marketing final resume folder (You have viewing rights)
- View past Links to an external site.final resume examples (You have viewing rights)
- Click here Links to an external site. for directions for your final instructions
Step 1 -- make your GFX slate separators and make sure your resume name GFX is correct and ready to use for your final
- As I have been saying ... don’t sit around and wait on this -- you are in charge of your own grade’s destiny
- The final counts as 20% of your actual grade in this class
- CLICK HERE Links to an external site. to submit your final resume (You have editing rights)
- By invitation only: Resume Website Portfolio - advanced students / seniors or students pursuing a related industry after graduation
May 30, 2018 - Wednesday 8:25 - 8:50 a.m.
- Click here Links to an external site.for our career marketing final resume folder (You have viewing rights)
- View past Links to an external site.final resume examples (You have viewing rights)
- Click here Links to an external site. for directions for your final instructions
Step 1 -- make your GFX slate separators and make sure your resume name GFX is correct and ready to use for your final
- As I have been saying ... don’t sit around and wait on this -- you are in charge of your own grade’s destiny
- The final counts as 20% of your actual grade in this class
Click here
Links to an external site.
for Lykowski’s last TV Resume (for example of someone who is on-air)
- By invitation only: Resume Website Portfolio - advanced students / seniors or students pursuing a related industry after graduation
- Click here Links to an external site. for the directions/rubric
- Click here Links to an external site. for the website Lykowski created recently to highlight her work here at PCSC. This is a good example of what yours should look like
- All Resume Website Portfolios are due tomorrow by 3:15 p.m.
May 29, 2018 - Tuesday 7:55 - 8:20 a.m.
- Click here Links to an external site.for our career marketing final resume folder (You have viewing rights)
- View past Links to an external site.final resume examples (You have viewing rights)
- Click here Links to an external site. for directions for your final instructions
Step 1 -- make your GFX slate separators and make sure your resume name GFX is correct and ready to use for your final
- As I have been saying ... don’t sit around and wait on this -- you are in charge of your own grade’s destiny
- The final counts as 20% of your actual grade in this class
May 22-25
Everyone --
- Is anyone available to shoot the employee retirement dinner here at PHS 5-23-18 evening 4-6 p.m.? Click here for more details Links to an external site..
- See the white board with your weekly assignments from last week - Click Here make sure you are complete. Paytyn and Alissa I did not see everything ironed out in your releases - you have been working on these for 3 weeks -- 1st week was Q&A, 2nd was 1st draft and 3rd wee was final draft -- (Due Friday) - make sure this 100% finished -- when it is send it to me and that is the end.
- Alissa - The play school lady never responded last week -- but she did yesterday on facts for an article to send to the paper with your photos -- if you are up to speed I will have you smooth the article out -- click here Links to an external site. to see what we are dealing with
- Yessica go into your WDA photos and number your favs 1, 2, & 3 - please show me how you are having issues with your photos so I can see what is going on.
- Diego make sure you completed the Pilot Project for April - I haven't graded it yet but will be soon.
- Laura make sure you completed the Pilot Project this month and last.
- Zack read your email - you are so delaying your project from last week.
- Erik, Dalton, start working on your resume GFX slates - the rest of the class will join you when their projects wrap up this week -- those have to be done this week to pass the final.
- Click here (Links to an external site.) for Final resume folder
- View past (Links to an external site.) final resume examples
- Click here (Links to an external site.) for directions from 1st semester's final -this semester's final instructions will be available tomorrow
- Step 1 (Links to an external site.) -- make your GFX slate separators and make sure your resume name GFX is correct and ready to use for your final
- Don’t sit around and wait on this -- you are in charge of your own grade’s destiny
- The final counts as 20% of your actual grade in this class
May 21, 2018 - Monday - Day 79 - 7 more days to go
Everyone --
- See the white board with your weekly assignments - Click Here
- Yessica please work on your WDA color run photos
- Diego make sure you completed the Pilot Project for last week.
- Click here (Links to an external site.) for Final resume folder
- View past (Links to an external site.) final resume examples
- Click here (Links to an external site.) for directions from 1st semester's final - come Monday this semester's final instructions will be available
- Step 1 (Links to an external site.) -- make your GFX slate separators and make sure your resume name GFX is correct and ready to use for your final
- Don’t sit around and wait on this -- you are in charge of your own grade’s destiny
- The final counts as 20% of your actual grade in this class
May 18, 2018 - Friday - Day 78 - 8 more days to go
Everyone -- Andy Hartley said Amy Mahan and I are to take over the articles so we can meet our deadline of handing over all articles on the 21st for the layout.
- See the white board with your weekly assignments - Click Here
- Yessica and Hannah - I geared you up for your weekend shoots
- Is there anyone who can shoot the 3 p.m. academic induction here at PHS at 3 p.m. I am looking for a group photo to be sent to me via cell phone. Please let me know if this is you.
- All of your assignments are pretty much due today.
- Diego make sure you are up to day with the Pilot Project for today.
- Click here Links to an external site. for Final resume folder
- View past Links to an external site. final resume examples
- Click here Links to an external site. for directions from 1st semester's final - come Monday this semester's final instructions will be available
- Step 1 Links to an external site. -- make your GFX slate separators and make sure your resume name GFX is correct and ready to use for your final
- Don’t sit around and wait on this -- you are in charge of your own grade’s destiny
- The final counts as 20% of your actual grade in this class
May 17, 2018 - Thursday - Day 77 - 9 more days to go
- Pick back up on your Jefferson GFX for Angie Mills request and make corrections
- Make sure you have a GFX request sheet rubric all filled out before you submit the GFX and call me over to check it
- Continue and make sure you did Monday through Thursday of the Pilot News project
- WEEK 3 - is your final rotation duty - May 14-19
Everyone else:
- Continue our various marketing projects - Click Here
- As explained... you will have a different project each week as we continue until the last week of class.
These various projects can be your main projects IN-BETWEEN YOUR ARTICLE REVISIONS:
You will have a different project each week - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world -- also if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well.
- National Police Week 2018 in United States of America began on Sunday, May 13 and ends on Saturday, May 19
- Look up the hashtags, go shoot a couple good photos of our SRO and make a SM post(s) about this special week and how we care.Use rubrics for guidance.
May 16, 2018 - Wednesday - Day 76 - 11 more days to go
Anna -
- I sent you the PHS announcements Links to an external site. to update our PTV at PHS website yesterday.
- Great job on doing all the required stories for guidance!
- Continue moving expired stories to archive - 10 points each
Everyone else:
- Continue our various marketing projects - Click Here
- As explained... you will have a different project each week as we continue until the last week of class.
These various projects can be your main projects IN-BETWEEN YOUR ARTICLE REVISIONS:
You will have a different project each week - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world -- also if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 15, 2018 - Tuesday - Day 75 - 12 more days to go
Anna -
- I sent you the PHS announcements Links to an external site. to update our PTV at PHS website.
- These have to be complete in class today you have 40 minutes to do the following:
- Guidance has entered several web stories that needs to be updated.
- Add K-9 Carts Scholarship story 20 points
- Academic Hall of Fame ceremony 20 points
- Ivy Tech with a STGEC 20 points
- Ball State Camp 20 points
- Three new jobs 20 points
- Any expired storied -- moved to archive - 10 points each
- Please do something for marketing today - I can't give you a better grade if you aren't doing anything to help marketing.
- Everyone else in our class has weekly assignments - I have no idea what you have been doing for most of the semester.
- The headshot assignment was given to you two weeks ago. You were to email the students who need headshots and cc me and I haven't received 1 email from you. I thought I coud depend on you to pound out this assignment. With no communication for two weeks, no emails and no headshots, I am considering you did not do the assignment and and I am moving you to daily assignments.
Everyone else:
- Continue our various marketing projects - Click Here
- As explained... you will have a different project each week as we continue until the last week of class.
These various projects can be your main projects IN-BETWEEN YOUR ARTICLE REVISIONS:
You will have a different project each week - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world -- also if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 14, 2018 - Monday - DAY 74 - 13 more days left after today
- 40 points for PCSC Mother's Day GFX
- 40 points for PCSC Teacher Appreciation - GFX
- 1 Tweet 10 points and 2 Facebook posts 20 points
- 10 marketing shoot - 10 points tweaking the photos
Menominee - Morning with Mom
- Shoot 10 points
- 30 points tweaked photos and uploaded to Google Drive and posted on Facebook Page
Webster Fun Fair
- Shoot 10 points
- 20 points tweaked photos and uploaded to Google Drive
- 20 points Menominee high five social media post
- 10 points Staff appreciation cookout took pictures
- 10 points Trump shoot & tweak photos
- 20 points Senior Awards shoot
- 10 points called Menominee
- Continue our various marketing projects - Click Here
- As explained... you will have a different project each week as we continue until the last week of class.
These various projects can be your main projects IN-BETWEEN YOUR ARTICLE REVISIONS:
You will have a different project each week - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world -- also if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 8, 2018 - Tuesday - DAY 70 - 17 more days left after today
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here
- As explained... This is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your two articles.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- Diego - Transcript Audit - revisions assessed -- but 1st round of revisions were not fully complete -- see paperwork and file -- ready for round II of revisions
- Laura - WSOI ITAMCO Intern-- ready for your revisions
- Laura - PHS Culinary Article #2 1st draft graded -- ready for your revisions
- Zack, Erik & Laura - Questions for Art #2 put in gradebook and passed back
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects -- not just one -- just like a real marketing team does... in the working world if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project (Links to an external site.)
WEEK 1 - Anna - Didn't do - May 1-5
WEEK 2 - Laura - May 7-12
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 11, 2018 - Friday - DAY 73 - 14 more days left after today
Senior Awards Assembly -- Classes reversed
May 10, 2018 - Thursday - DAY 72 - 15 more days left after today
May 9, 2018 - Wednesday - DAY 71 - 16 more days left after today
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here
- As explained... This is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your two articles.
- Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects -- not just one -- just like a real marketing team does... in the working world if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project (
WEEK 1 - Anna - Didn't do - May 1-5
WEEK 2 - Laura - May 7-12
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 8, 2018 - Tuesday - DAY 70 - 17 more days left after today
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here
- As explained... This is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your two articles.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- Diego - Transcript Audit - revisions assessed -- but 1st round of revisions were not fully complete -- see paperwork and file -- ready for round II of revisions
- Laura - WSOI ITAMCO Intern-- ready for your revisions
- Laura - PHS Culinary Article #2 1st draft graded -- ready for your revisions
- Zack, Erik & Laura - Questions for Art #2 put in gradebook and passed back
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects -- not just one -- just like a real marketing team does... in the working world if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here (Links to an external site.)
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - (Links to an external site.)paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project (Links to an external site.)
WEEK 1 - Anna - Didn't do - May 1-5
WEEK 2 - Laura - May 7-12
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 7, 2018 - Monday - DAY 69 - 17 more days left after today
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here Links to an external site.
- As explained... you pick one - or you will be assigned one - this is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your two articles.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - Links to an external site.paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well. OPEN ASSIGNMENTS:
Do not forget about the Pilot News project Links to an external site.
WEEK 1 - Anna - Didn't do - May 1-5
WEEK 2 - Laura - May 7-12
WEEK 3 - Diego - May 14-18
May 3, 2018 - Thursday & Friday - DAY 67-68
OPEN ASSIGNMENTS: (Those who have not picked their next assignment will be assigned - we will do this first thing today)
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here Links to an external site.
- As explained... you pick one - or you will be assigned one - this is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your two articles.
I will be proofing/grading your 1st draft of your articles as time allows... to give you feedback / grades
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - Links to an external site.paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well.
Anna - It is your last week for the Pilot news
- Reminder after spring break .... you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- "To read the full article in the Pilot News on (date goes here of your article) visit this weblink (you have to copy and paste the URL). However, you may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- To copy and paste the URL (Command + K) into the part where it says weblink.
- You still get 10 points per article you do link this
- Nothing else has changed
- You still have to link both your document to the spreadsheet and the screen shot for our marketing team so Amy Mahan can use it for our PCSC webpage
- Reminder after spring break .... you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- "To read the full article in the Pilot News on (date goes here of your article) visit this weblink (you have to copy and paste the URL). However, you may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Guidance will be working with you for your assignment outside of the Piligramge Articles - Don't worry it's fun and gives you the freedom to do what you love best - photography and feature your talent.
- See me to discuss ordering a portable backdrop kit Links to an external site. for PCSC marketing -- not for the class -- but for marketing.
- See email at your desk
- I will be sharing a file with you via email with names on the printout
- Anything you do this week please log on a turn in sheet so I know what you accomplish each day
- NEW: Update Article 1&2 - see email so all communication is logged in your article's single document -- each article is to only have 1 linked document for our marketing team.
May 3, 2018 - Thursday - DAY 67
OPEN ASSIGNMENTS: (Those who have not picked their next assignment will be assigned - we will do this first thing today)
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here Links to an external site.
- As explained... you pick one - or you will be assigned one - this is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your two articles.
I will be proofing/grading your 1st draft of your articles as time allows... to give you feedback / grades
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects - just like a real marketing team does... in the working world if you are waiting on something -- work for the whole team continues in different aspects
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here - Links to an external site.paper copies of step 3 and 5 can be found in our room on our work station
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing draft reviews in class as well.
Anna - It is your last week for the Pilot news
- Reminder after spring break .... you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- "To read the full article in the Pilot News on (date goes here of your article) visit this weblink (you have to copy and paste the URL). However, you may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- To copy and paste the URL (Command + K) into the part where it says weblink.
- You still get 10 points per article you do link this
- Nothing else has changed
- You still have to link both your document to the spreadsheet and the screen shot for our marketing team so Amy Mahan can use it for our PCSC webpage
- Reminder after spring break .... you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- "To read the full article in the Pilot News on (date goes here of your article) visit this weblink (you have to copy and paste the URL). However, you may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Guidance will be working with you for your assignment outside of the Piligramge Articles - Don't worry it's fun and gives you the freedom to do what you love best - photography and feature your talent.
- See me to discuss ordering a portable backdrop kit Links to an external site. for PCSC marketing -- not for the class -- but for marketing.
- See email at your desk
- I will be sharing a file with you via email with names on the printout
- Anything you do this week please log on a turn in sheet so I know what you accomplish each day
- NEW: Update Article 1&2 - see email so all communication is logged in your article's single document -- each article is to only have 1 linked document for our marketing team.
May 2, 2018 - Wednesday - DAY 66
OPEN ASSIGNMENTS: (list will likely grow each day)
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here Links to an external site.
- You pick one - or you will be assigned one Tuesday - this is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your articles.
I will be proofing/grading your 1st draft of your articles as time allows... to give you feedback / grades
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects.
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing drat #2 reviews in class as well.
Anna - It is your week for the Pilot news -- Yesterday I was thinking it was Diego -sorry
- It is your week for the Pilot - remember you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- to read the full article in the Pilot News on May 1, 2018 visit this weblink. You may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Then paste the URL (command + K) into the part where it says weblink.
- You still get 10 points per article you do link this
- Nothing else has changed
- You still have to link both your document to the spreadsheet and the screen shot
- It is your week for the Pilot - remember you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- to read the full article in the Pilot News on May 1, 2018 visit this weblink. You may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Guidance will be working with you for your assignment outside of the Piligramge Articles - Don't worry it's fun and gives you the freedom to do what you love best - photography and feature your talent.
- See me to order a portable backdrop kit Links to an external site. for PCSC marketing -- not for the class -- but for marketing.
- See email at your desk
May 1, 2018 - Tuesday - DAY 65
OPEN ASSIGNMENTS: (list will likely grow each day)
- New Last 3 week projects - Click Here Links to an external site.
- You pick one - or you will be assigned one Tuesday - this is a project you will work on while you are waiting for Lykowski to provide you feedback on your articles.
I will be proofing/grading your 1st draft of your articles as time allows... to give you feedback / grades
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects.
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing drat #2 reviews in class as well.
- It is your week for the Pilot - remember you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- to read the full article in the Pilot News on May 1, 2018 visit this weblink. You may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Then paste the URL (command + K) into the part where it says weblink.
- You still get 10 points per article you do link this
- Nothing else has changed
- You still have to link both your document to the spreadsheet and the screen shot
- It is your week for the Pilot - remember you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- to read the full article in the Pilot News on May 1, 2018 visit this weblink. You may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Guidance will be working with you for your assignment outside of the Piligramge Articles - Don't worry it's fun and gives you the freedom to do what you love best - photography and feature your talent.
- See me to order a portable backdrop kit Links to an external site. for PCSC marketing -- not for the class -- but for marketing.
- See email at your desk
April 30, 2018 - Monday - DAY 64
- IF YOU DIDN'T GET YOUR ART #2 FIRST DRAFT IN LAST WEEK please submit it today- 50 points
I will be proofing/grading your 1st draft of your articles as time allows... to give you feedback / grades
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- For the next three weeks you will all be working on various marketing projects.
For students who need more visual projects for your final resume portfolio due the last week in this class you will want to speak up so your work over the next three weeks can make up for some work you may have missed that you will not have for your visual resume which is worth 20% of your grade in this class.
- OPEN ASSIGNMENTS: (list will grow each day)
Super Sunday - NHS - 5-20-18
- press release and folder
- GFX (40 points)
Super Sunday - PHS ACADEMIC HALL OF FAME - 5-20-18
- GFX (40 points)
- press release and folder
- press release and folder
- GFXs (40 points each)
PHS Teachers leaving
- Kelsey Weaver - Sarah
- JA - involved with life lessons at PHS - Click here for Q&A and photos Links to an external site.
- Wax Museum at Webster - see the Media request document
Once you get back the rubrics and feedback you can pick back up work on your articles.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric- click here.pdf
Download Article Rubric- click here.pdf
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing drat #2 reviews in class as well.
- It is your week for the Pilot - remember you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- to read the full article in the Pilot News on May 1, 2018 visit this weblink. You may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Then paste the URL (command + K) into the part where it says weblink.
- You still get 10 points per article you do link this
- Nothing else has changed
- You still have to link both your document to the spreadsheet and the screen shot
- It is your week for the Pilot - remember you only have to write out the first couple sentences now for the article -- but you do need to put -- to read the full article in the Pilot News on May 1, 2018 visit this weblink. You may have to have a digital membership to access the article.
- Guidance will be working with you for your assignment outside of the Piligramge Articles - Don't worry it's fun and gives you the freedom to do what you love best - photography and feature your talent.
- See me to order a portable backdrop kit Links to an external site. for PCSC marketing -- not for the class -- but for marketing.
- See email at your desk
April 27, 2018 - Friday - DAY 63
- IF YOU DIDN'T GET YOUR ART #2 FIRST DRAFT IN WEDNESDAY please submit it today- 50 points
- MY GOAL this weekend is to proof all of your articles loosely to be able to assess where you are and give you feedback / grades
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- If you did not submit your first draft of article 2 yesterday you will have to keep working -- as you know each day that you are late there is a 5 point deduction - please try really hard to get everything in
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing drat #2 reviews in class as well.
- Remember to keep up with the Pilot
- Anna:
- Please freshen up our PTV website - with all PHS required announcements that have come in - just like you did 1st semester to maintain the website with Josie.
- You get points for each story you do so please fill out a point / assignment sheet
April 26, 2018 - Thursday - DAY 62
I graded the following articles over night
- :( Nothing - the media was here and I had to finish editing the TV class' show because my students were forced to leave during SRT
- WHAT WAS DUE YESTERDAY - IF YOU DIDN'T GET THIS IN WEDNESDAY the 1st draft of article #2 - 50 points
- MY GOAL Ithis weekend is to proof all of your articles loosely to be able to give you feedback on your 1all of your articles
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- If you did not submit your first draft of article 2 yesterday you will have to keep working -- as you know each day that you are late there is a 5 point deduction - please try really hard to get everything in
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class. Also I will be doing drat #2 reviews in class as well.
- Remember to keep up with the Pilot
- Anna:
- Please freshen up our PTV website - with all PHS required announcements that have come in - just like you did 1st semester to maintain the website with Josie.
- You get points for each story you do so please fill out a point / assignment sheet
April 25, 2018 - Wednesday - DAY 61
- WHAT'S DUE is the 1st draft of article #2 - 50 points -- for the people that submitted their Art #2 questions Friday.
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction - please try really hard to get everything in
- Let me know if you need help - I will do my best to help as many people as I can everyday in class
I graded the following articles over night
Erik Galindo-Zelaya – Spotlight girl
- 4-24-18 - Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 8:02 AM PP Art II Email
Dalton Leary - Mrs. Knotts' Growth Mindset Culture
- 4-24-18 - Leary sends email to Knotts, Boyer and Lykowski
- 4-24-18 - Lykowski and Leary tweak questions together in class so they can go out to Knotts
Sarah – Art #2 – LJHS Advisory class
- 4-23-18 - Sarah sends Gault email
- 4-24-18 - Sarah sends Stauffer and Derifield email
- 4-24-18 - Sarah and Lykowski work on questions together and Sarah sends them to Stauffer and Derifield
Laura – Art #2 – ITAMCO Internship student
- Apr 24, 2018 - Laura sends questions to Felke and Olvera
- Apr 24, 2018 - Laura submits questions and Lykowski tweaks in class and approves
- Apr 18, 2018 - Laura sends initial email to Felke and Olvera
Hannah Gibson - LJHS Service Club Community Projects
- Hannah emails Hull - Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 10:11 AM
- Hannah emails Hull - Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 9:05 AM
7. Hannah emails Hull - Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 9:12 AM
Alissa – Art 2 WDA Barn Quilts
- 4-19-18 - Submits Step 3 questions to Lykowski
- 4-23-18 - Alissa submits revised questions and Lykowski tweaks in class and approves
- 4-24-18- Alissa sends questions in for Ms. Drebelbis
April 24, 2018 - Tuesday - DAY 60
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction
- As we have discussed -- If you haven't got feedback from me on Art #1 continue on your Art #2 -- waiting on me for both I will attended to you in class.
- Friday your questions were due for Art. #2 or your revision for Art #1... Allisa and Sarah you two were absent... make sure you have your steps submitted - Sarah see paperwork at your desk and more on to both articles.
- WHAT'S DUE NEXT is the 1st draft of article #2 on Wednesday - 50 points -- for the people that submitted their Art #2 questions Friday.
I graded the following articles over night
- no one :( Sorry -- I had to work on my own projects
April 23, 2018 - Monday - DAY 59
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction
- As we have discussed -- If you haven't got feedback from me on Art #1 continue on your Art #2 -- waiting on me for both I will attended to you in class.
- Friday your questions were due for Art. #2 or your revision for Art #1... Allisa and Sarah you two were absent... make sure you have your steps submitted - Sarah see paperwork at your desk and more on to both articles.
- WHAT'S DUE NEXT is the 1st draft of article #2 on Wednesday - 50 points -- for the people that submitted their Art #2 questions Friday.
I graded the following articles over the weekend
Sarah- PP Art #2
- SUBJECT: LJHS Advisory Period (PCC and Digital Responsibility)
- Move on to the Initial email – see document for your official’s name
- I had to pick this for you because you didn’t and it was due 4-13-18
Paytyn – Art #2 –
- I put question grades in grade book
- Service Club Community Projects
- 4-20-18 - Hannah and Lykowski work together on strengthening her questions
- 4-20-18 - Lykowski enters Questions revised grade in grade book
- 4-20-18 - Hannah sends Hull questions via email and link
- 4-20-18 - Lykowski enters email above in gradebook
Diego- Art #2 -
- Marshall County Promise/Ancilla Trip/College Go Activities
- Go into your article #2 Document and read feedback – Answer your questions based on the information provided
- Your article is completely different consider this isn’t something that is our it is everyone’s in Marshall county
Yessica – Art. #2 –
- Flood The Park
- 4-20-18 - Lykowski adds grades below to grade book for article #2 work
- 4-20-18 - Yessica sends 2nd email with questions
- 4-19-18 - Lykowski and yessica work on questions together in class
- 4-19-18 - Lykowski sends back questions yessica to revise
- 4-19-18 - Yessica submits Questions for article
- 4-10-18 - Yessica sends initial email
Zack - Art #2 -
- Your questions are not for Statuary Hall
- Start over and get them in today -- I have no idea how you started forming questions for the Mentoring Kids Hope program but pay attention because now you are late on this assignment and their is a 5 point deduction
April 20, 2018 - Friday - DAY 58
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
Click here for the steps of writing your article and what your grade is based on
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- DUE TODAY: (one or the other)
- Art. #2 - Questions
- or Next draft for article number 1 if I have got to your article at this point
- For credit you must push your assignment back to me via the Google Doc to be considered complete
- I can't guess which project you are advancing
- Make sure your emails are logged and your notes are complete with dates - so I am on the same page as you - that is the worst feeling to get to someone's article and I can't grade it because things are missing...
I graded the following articles overnight:
Dalton – PP Art #2 Mrs. Knotts' Growth Mindset Culture
- 4-19-18 - Lykowski puts grade in the grade book for Step 3 questions and sends back to Dalton to strengthen and resubmit
- 4-19-18 - Lykowski puts grade in the grade book for initial email
- 4-19-18 - Lykowski puts grade in the grade book for Dalton’s picking Art #2 subject
- 4-19-18 - Dalton sends initial email to Knotts and forgets to submit his questions for step 3 grade and sends questions to article official
- 4-16-18 - Dalton picked Art #2 subject
Dalton – PP Art #1 - Innovation Academy @LJH Olympics Project/ Spirit Assembly
- Dalton -- why is you email log not complete? Where is Reid Gault's, Mrs. Bronicki's and Mrs. Anders replies? Copy and paste the material in your document and resubmit so I know you are done and I can come back to grading this 1st draft.
- As explained -- I cannot grade and help you when you have missing information.
DIEGO – Transcript Audits – Revisions due today
- No Cell phone out
- Art #1 – has potential
- Fix the 13 things on your draft#1 article document – click resolved when done with each one
- See article rubric at your desk and a print out of all changes that need to be made.
Paytyn – Art #2 - RIverside SLED Projects
- Apr 19, 2018 - Paytyn sends email to Rumpler
- Apr 19, 2018 - Lykowski puts PP Email #2 in grade book
- TWEAK- You are missing some Questions: See Rubric for your reference Links to an external site.
- See passed back papers at your desk - resubmit 2nd copy of strengthened questions on Friday for 2nd question grade
- Put any emails you get from here in your document
Sarah – Art #1
- Email 4 put in grade book
April 19, 2018 - Thursday - DAY 57 - 10:14-10:52 - Class today is 38 minutes
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- If you haven't got feedback from me on your article then you are to move on to art #2 immediately -- this is nothing new this was the directive on Monday.
- Friday your questions are due for Art. #2
- or the next draft for article number 1
I graded the following articles overnight:
LAURA: Art #2
- Apr 18, 2018 - Laura picks Art #2
- Apr 18, 2018 - Lykowski puts PP Article #2 choice in the grade book
- Apr 18, 2018 - Laura starts Art 2 with email
- Apr 18, 2018 - Lykowski puts PP Email #1 in grade book
- Apr 18, 2018 – Lykowski adds PP Art #1 Email To the grade book
PAYTYN- Art #2
- Apr 13, 2018 - Paytyn picks Art #2
- Apr 18, 2018 - Lykowski puts PP Article #2 choice in the grade book
- Apr 18, 2018 - Paytyn sends email to Mrs. Hirschy
- Apr 18, 2018 - Lykowski puts PP Email #1 in grade book
ALISSA - Art #2
- 4-13-18 - Alissa picks PP Art #2 Subject
- 4-16-18 - Alissa sends email to Ms. Cooper
- 4-18-18 - Lykowski puts PP Article #2 choice in the grade book
- 4-18-18 - Lykowski puts PP Email #2 in grade book
HANNAH - Art #2 Service Club Community Projects
- 4-13-18 - Hannah picks PP Art #2 Subject
- 4-13-18 - Hannah sends email to Gault
- 4-13-18 - Hannah sends email to Hull
- 4-13-18 - Hannah sends 2nd email to Hull
- 4-18-18 - Lykowski puts PP Article #2 choice in the grade book
- 4-18-18 - Lykowski puts (3) PP Emails #2 in grade book
- Hannah - add the missing emails to the document - I can't help you if I do not know what was said
- I graded your questions – they need strengthened see document & resubmit for Question revision grade
ERIK: Art #1
- 4-18-18 UPDATE: I went in and ironed this out even more -- so this part is looking really strong. Click resolve when you see this comment and keep revising
- FYI - You can look up AP and tell us what it is yourself as well to keep going.
- 4-18-18 – Sarah turns in 1st draft - Due: 4-13-18
- Lykowski passes back papers and puts draft grade in grade book
- Sarah see paperwork at your desk for advice as you move forward
- If your absences were excused on April 9 & 10 you will not receive a deduction in grade
April 18, 2018 - Wednesday - DAY 56 - 10:14-10:52 - Class today is 37 minutes
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
- To get to our Google Drive shared folder for this project - click here Links to an external site.
- All rubrics for this project can be found in our Career Marketing folder - click here Links to an external site.
Article Rubric-1.pdf
Download Article Rubric-1.pdf
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- If you haven't got feedback from me on your article then you are to move on to art #2 immediately -- this is nothing new this was the directive on Monday.
- Friday your questions are due for Art. #2 or the next draft for article number 1
I graded the following articles overnight:
- Erik - work on your revisions and read paperwork at your desk
2nd Semester Students
Anna - you are up this week on Pilot News articles
Diego- yours for last week has to be by Friday
Laura- you are up next week
WEEK 3 - Click here Links to an external site. |
4-16-18 Monday |
4-17-18 Tuesday |
4-18-18 Wednesday |
4-19-18 Thursday |
4-20-18 Friday |
4-21-18 Saturday |
April 17, 2018 - Tuesday - DAY 55 - 10:19-10:56 - Class today is 37 minutes
2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage
Article Rubric.pdf Download Article Rubric.pdf - to visit the rubrics on writing your article that was not visable yesterday
Click here for the steps of writing your article and what your grade is based on
Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
April 16, 2018 - Monday - DAY 54
Click here Links to an external site. for our ISTEP schedule
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage Continues
Click here
Links to an external site.-- I moved all of our Career Marketing directions and Rubrics into this folder
- This rubric is for Step 3 - the questions Links to an external site.- it will help you to make sure you didn't forget a question before you send them to me to grade.
- This rubric is for Step 5 - Links to an external site. For writting the article -
- Click here for the steps of writing your article and what your grade is based on
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
1. Yessica - Article 1 - please look at the document I left notes on the document for your for revisions - Your questions are missing a lot of required questions and answers are not included... why are they? Use this document Links to an external site. to strengthen your questions.
2. Paytyn - Article 1 - - please look at the document I left notes on the document for your for revisions -
3. Alissa - Article 1 - 26 things to correct/tweak. Please click resolve on each item when you are done. Do not re-submit until all are done.
4. Hannah- Article 1 - 13 space issues - please see the article and read the notes from me to you. Everyone please pay attention everyone before you submit your article to me because those small things take time to fix - so I note what needs to be changed - but you have to change them.
5. Dalton -
6. Erik -
7. Zack -
8. Anna -
Missing: 1st draft of your article - click here Links to an external site.for the rubric and get this in - it is 5 points off per day it is late
1. Lauren
2. Sarah
3. Diego
2nd Semester Students:
Diego - You did not do any papers last week - this is a 30 point grade minimially - today is your last chance to submit the papers.
Anna - you are up this week
WEEK 3 - Click here Links to an external site. |
4-16-18 Monday |
4-17-18 Tuesday |
4-18-18 Wednesday |
4-19-18 Thursday |
4-20-18 Friday |
4-21-18 Saturday |
April 13, 2018 - Friday - DAY 53
1st draft of your 200 word article is due. - 50 points
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage Links to an external site.
Click here
Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article and what your grade is based on
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- Your must use complete sentences, include correct puncutation and spelling.
- Your draft must have a title
- Your draft must include the correct title of your official and you must have quotes included in the article.
April 12, 2018 - Thursday - DAY 52
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
- REMINDER: 1st draft of your 200 word article is due tomorrow - 50 points
- Giving you the tools to be successful in marketing.
April 11, 2018 - Wednesday - DAY 51
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage Links to an external site.
Links to an external site.Click here
Links to an external site.for the article steps
Giving you the tools to be successful in marketing.
Everyone is working on individual marketing articles, but we are all gaining knowledge on what it is like to work as one big marketing team with a common goal to produce a real publication that will be seen by tens of thousands.
This project at the very least will seriously teach you a lot about perseverance and pushing through -- how to correctly use email to communicating effectively as possible to secure information you need from other working professionals to write your articles.
Words of encouragement: Hang in there everyone! It you get frustrated remember I am here to help and guide you -- but I can't do the work for you -- but remember what I said we are a team and together we will make your article shine. It's all about collaboration. Yay!
MEMBER: Please follow these steps for writing your articles for this assignment so things are not complicated and go as smoothly as possible.
- SELECT - You pick article from spreadsheet -10 points
CONNECT - You send initial email to find out who your correct contacts are.
- Use the template we made together -10 points per email
- PLAN - You draft your questions and then send them to me to grade, proof & tweak - 25 points
- RE-CONNECT - You get questions back from me and you send them to your officials VIA Google doc -10 points
ANALYZE FACTS & ORGANIZE MATERIAL YOU'VE COLLECTED - Writing your article based on the facts your have.
- 1st complete draft - 50 points
- REVISE - I proof the article and send it back with you with suggestions and tweaks necessary.
- You send it back to me and we do numbers 6 & 7 until it is complete. - You send it to your official(s) for final approval and then we move on to the next article
- Official approval email – 20 points
As you are waiting you can always start on your PP Art #2 --
- Official approval email – 20 points
April 10, 2018 - Tuesday - DAY 50
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
REMINDER: Please follow these steps for writing your articles for this assignment so things are not complicated and go as smoothly as possible.
- SELECT - You pick article from spreadsheet -10 points
CONNECT - You send initial email to find out who your correct contacts are.
- Use the template we made together -10 points per email
- PLAN - You draft your questions and then send them to me to grade, proof & tweak - 25 points
- RE-CONNECT - You get questions back from me and you send them to your officials VIA Google doc -10 points
ANALYZE FACTS & ORGANIZE MATERIAL YOU'VE COLLECTED - Writing your article based on the facts your have.
- 1st complete draft - 50 points
- REVISE - I proof the article and send it back with you with suggestions and tweaks necessary.
- You send it back to me and we do numbers 6 & 7 until it is complete. - You send it to your official(s) for final approval and then we move on to the next article
- Official approval email – 20 points
As you are waiting you can always start on your PP Art #2 --
UPDATE: below students check your email for updates on your article projects.
- Anna -
- Laura -
- Diego -
- Payton -
April 9, 2018 - Monday - DAY 49
- 2018 Plymouth Pilgrimage Links to an external site.
- All students in the class --CLICK ON 2018 - project folder Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
- REFRESHER: You get to your project folder by clicking on the story name on our Pilgrimage 2018 Spreadsheet
- YOUR ASSIGNMENT Monday before break was to (pick story #1 (PP Art #1) you will write first - 10 Points-- 1 POINT OFF PER DAY LATE
YOUR ASSIGNMENT Tuesday/Wednesday before break was to contact your official(s) via email and cc me and to document it -- to find out who will be your go to person(s) for this article. 10 Points per email you send
- As explained before break ... every email is worth 10 points - I must be CC'd on the email - and a transcript of your email log must be kept in your project folder so all parties are on the same page - I will copy and past your 1st few -- you need to keep an accurate ongoing log of your emails on your PP Art #1 document throughout this project.
- Every time you do something for your article you will document it in the notes section starting with the date. (EXAMPLE IN CLASS B4 spring break- refresher - let's look at Hannah's document here Links to an external site.
Your assignment due the Friday before the break- "the questions" for your article that you will be asking your official or officials -- 25 Points
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- Put the questions directly on your project document so your official or officials can answer the questions right on the document.
- By the end of class send to Lykowski when you are done with the questions via Google doc so she can tweak and grade and get back to you on the Monday school resumes.
Questions approved and tweaked:
- Hannah - see email
- Alissa - see email
- Anna - see email
- Zack -see email
- Erik - -see email
- Dalton - see email and tweak the questions
Never sent to Lykowski Friday before break
- Yessica - Not seeing yours in your article
- Sarah - Not even sure which article you picked due to your absences before break
- Laura -
- Diego -
- Payton _
What's to come? - Friday 1st draft of your 200 word article is due. - 50 points
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- Your must use complete sentences, include correct puncutation and spelling.
- Your draft must have a title
- Your draft must include the correct title of your official and you must have quotes included in the article.
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
Your Pilot News Week Links to an external site. for the Month of April is this week:
4-9-18 Monday
4-10-18 Tuesday
4-11-18 Wednesday
4-12-18 Thursday
4-13-18 Friday
4-14-18 Saturday
MARCH 23, 2018 - Friday - DAY 48
- All students in the class --CLICK ON 2018 - project folder Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
- You get to your project folder by clicking on the story name on our Pilgrimage 2018 Spreadsheet
- YOUR ASSIGNMENT Monday was to (pick story #1 you will write first) 10 Points-- 1 POINT OFF PER DAY LATE
YOUR ASSIGNMENT Tuesday/Wednesday was to contact your official(s) to find out who will be your go to person(s) for this article.
- As explained earlier this week ... every email is 10 points - I must be CC'd on the email - a transcript of your emails are kept in your project folder so all parties are on the same page - I will copy and past your 1st few -- you need to keep an accurate ongoing log of your emails on your PP Art #1 document throughout this project.
- Every time you do something for your article you will document it in the notes section starting with the date. (EXAMPLE IN CLASS YESTERDAY - Look in one of your classmates folders to make sure you are doing everything right)
YOUR ASSIGNMENT Due today Friday - the questions you are going to ask your official or officials -- 25 Points DUE by FRIDAY
- Each day you are late there is a 5 point deduction.
- Put the questions directly on your project document so your official or officials can answer the questions right on the document.
- By the end of class send to Lykowski when you are done with the questions via Google doc so she can tweak and grade and get back to you on the Monday school resumes.
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
Have an awesome spring break
MARCH 22, 2018 - THURSDAY - DAY 47
- All students in the class --CLICK ON 2018 - project folder Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
- Begin grooming your email to your official inside your project folder
- You get to your project folder by clicking on the story name on our Pilgrimage 2018 Spreadsheet
- As explained earlier this week ... every email is 10 points - I must be CC'd on the email - a transcript of your emails are kept in your project folder so all parties are on the same page - I will copy and past your 1st few -- you need to keep an accurate ongoing log of your emails on your PP Art #1 document throughout this project.
- Every time you do something for your article you will document it in the notes section starting with the date. (EXAMPLE IN CLASS YESTERDAY)
- YOUR ASSIGNMENT Monday was to (pick story #1 you will write first) 10 Points-- 1 POINT OFF PER DAY LATE
Next step the questions you are going to ask your official or officials 25 Points DUE by FRIDAY
- Put the questions directly on your project document so your official or officials can answer the questions right on the document.
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
MARCH 21, 2018 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 46
- All students in the class --CLICK ON 2018 - project folder Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
- Begin grooming your email to your official inside your project folder
- You get to your project folder by clicking on the story name on our Pilgrimage 2018 Spreadsheet
- As explained yesterday ... every email is 10 points - I must be CC'd on the email - a transcript of your emails are kept in your project folder so all parties are on the same page
- Every time you do something for your article you will document it in the notes section starting with the date. (EXAMPLE IN CLASS YESTERDAY)
YOUR ASSIGNMENT YESTERDAY WAS TO (pick story #1 you will write) 10 Points
- If you haven't done so -- do so now -- 1 POINT OFF PER DAY LATE
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
Diego, Laura and Anna:
- This Pilgrimage is a project you will be working on as well. Once it is complete it is very rewarding and your name will be on it! You can use it for your portfolio to show you are diverse with your multimedia marketing ability. In this day and age multimedia marketing isn't just geared towards one expertise such as video or photography - it's a mix of everything, someone who can make graphics, shoot video, take pictures, make publications, do social media, etc.
- A corporation wide publication is a real world marketing project - it doesn't get anymore real than this --
- We will be distributing the Pilgrimage to 16,000 people mid-june
- This is our major group project in the 4th quarter
- Anna, you being in my TV class isn't ideal as you know considering you are a third semester marketing student -- but I wanted to try an independent study for you per your request where you could work on marketing projects independently for our PCSC marketing team. This will be your assignment as well. So pick your article that you will work on. 1st draft is due the Friday you get back from break.
MARCH 20, 2018 - TUESDAY - DAY 45
- All students in the class -- Introduction to the 2018 - project folder Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the steps of writing your article
- Discuss how to start the project
- Every email is 10 points - I must be CC'd on the email - a transcript of your emails are kept in your project folder so all parties are on the same page
- Every time you do something for your article you will document it in the notes section.
- (pick story #1)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
- Out of the classroom shoot with Antony Hernandez
MARCH 19, 2018 - MONDAY - DAY 44
Guest speakers:
Harmony Marketing Group out of Bourbon, IN
Owner Tim Harman and Project Coordinator Connie Sass
- Harmony is one of the nation’s premier commercial print service providers.
- Click here Links to an external site. to learn more about Harmony
- Harmony will be the publisher of our Plymouth Pilgrimage for the third year in a row
Students, please ask as many questions as you have about the project. Our class will discuss the spreadsheet and article formatting and steps for our class on Tuesday.
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- 2018 - project folder Links to an external site. (be thinking of what you would like to cover -- or school you would like to cover)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
MARCH 16, 2018 - FRIDAY - DAY 43
SM Post #3 due today -- material goes live on Pinterest and Twitter, remember to save as a draft on Facebook -30 Points
- Remember to turn in your SM Post #3 rubric found on the 2nd tier of the tan turn in tray - 10 point deduction if I have to get one for you - 5 points if you didn't fill out the name, date, SM # and topic
- Click here for the SM Posting 3 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.for SM Post 3
- When you are done with each step remember our color circle system -- put a green circle on the board
- Lykowski will "green it" on spreadsheet when graded and or approved.
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- 2018 - project folder Links to an external site. (be thinking of what you would like to cover -- or school you would like to cover)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
MARCH 15, 2018 - THURSDAY - DAY 42
- DUE TODAY: Make sure you put your GFX or pictures in a folder inside your individual SM Post #3 folder -- 40 points
- When you are done with each step remember our color circle system -- put a green circle on the board
- Lykowski will "green it" on spreadsheet when graded and or approved.
- Click here for the SM Posting 3 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.for SM Post 3
Video segment (Yessica) / Pictures/ GFX due today in class --40 points
- Laura- AUG. Links to an external site.-- THE ENTIRE MONTH -- Do not just paste the PDF in the article column not cool -- you have to paste the URL of your copy and pasted document you made in that week's folder.
- Diego - Sept. -- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
- Anna - December-- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- 2018 - project folder Links to an external site. (be thinking of what you would like to cover -- or school you would like to cover)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
MARCH 14, 2018 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 41
Continue your work on your SM Post #3
- ALL TEXT DUE TODAY -10 points- send me the document via Google Drive as we have been doing all semester thus far.
- Click here for the SM Posting 3 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.for SM Post 3
- When you are done with each step remember our color circle system -- put a green circle on the board
- Lykowski will "green it" on spreadsheet when graded and or approved.
- Laura- AUG. Links to an external site.-- THE ENTIRE MONTH -- Do not just paste the PDF in the article column not cool -- you have to paste the URL of your copy and pasted document you made in that week's folder.
- Diego - Sept. -- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
Anna - December-- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
- This assignment is already in the gradebook and is work upward of 200 points -- close to 60-80 points per day
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- 2018 - project folder Links to an external site. (be thinking of what you would like to cover -- or school you would like to cover)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
MARCH 13, 2018 - TUESDAY - DAY 40
Continue your work on your SM Post #3
- Click here for the SM Posting 3 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.for SM Post 3
- Write your subject idea on our shared spreadsheet under tab SM Post 3
- Here's the list below you can go to for finding things going on every week:
- PTV Website Links to an external site.
- In this folder Links to an external site. found in our SM Assignment folder under ideas
- In our room on the big bulletin board when you walk in - go look at the calendar pinned up on the bulletin board
- You can always make this assignment easy for yourself and cover something happening in your other classes that is cool and interactive
When you find a topic of what you'd like to cover -- let it be known -- it's a first come first served approval
1. Ask for approval - (If you can't get Lykowski's attention because she is assisting others move on to #2)
2. Write it on the board - (Lykowski will see your idea and let you know --also do #3 below)
3. Type you idea in our weekly SM (social media) assignment spreadsheet found inside this folder Links to an external site. (Lykowski will "green it" when approved)
- Laura- AUG. Links to an external site.-- THE ENTIRE MONTH -- Do not just paste the PDF in the article column not cool -- you have to paste the URL of your copy and pasted document you made in that week's folder.
- Diego - Sept. -- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
- Anna - December-- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- 2018 - project folder Links to an external site. (be thinking of what you would like to cover -- or school you would like to cover)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
MARCH 12, 2018 - MONDAY - DAY 39
- Click here for the SM Posting 3 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.for SM Post 3
- Write your subject idea on our shared spreadsheet under tab SM Post 3
- Here's the list below you can go to for finding things going on every week:
- PTV Website Links to an external site.
- In this folder Links to an external site. found in our SM Assignment folder under ideas
- In our room on the big bulletin board when you walk in - go look at the calendar pinned up on the bulletin board
- You can always make this assignment easy for yourself and cover something happening in your other classes that is cool and interactive
When you find a topic of what you'd like to cover -- let it be known -- it's a first come first served approval
1. Ask for approval - (If you can't get Lykowski's attention because she is assisting others move on to #2)
2. Write it on the board - (Lykowski will see your idea and let you know --also do #3 below)
3. Type you idea in our weekly SM (social media) assignment spreadsheet found inside this folder Links to an external site. (Lykowski will "green it" when approved)
- Hannah you didn't link your URLS to the SM Post 2 spreadsheet - this needs to be done each week like clock work
- Click here for the SM Posting 2 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder for SM 2 Links to an external site.
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- 2018 - project folder Links to an external site. (be thinking of what you would like to cover -- or school you would like to cover)
- 2017 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Career Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help - click here Links to an external site.
- 2016 - To see the finished Plymouth Pilgrimage the Interactive Media Marketing class created with Lykowski and Mahan's help- click here Links to an external site.
Plymouth Pilgrimage Project -2nd Semester - 4th quarter only
- Laura- AUGUST Links to an external site.-- THE ENTIRE MONTH -- Do not just paste the PDF in the article column not cool --
- Diego - Sept. -- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
- Anna - December-- THE ENTIRE MONTH --
MARCH. 9, 2018 - FRIDAY- Day 38
- DUE TODAY SM POST #2 - 40 points
- Click here for the SM Posting 2 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder for SM 2 Links to an external site.
- This means you are responsible for turning in your SM Post #2 Rubric.
- You get the blank rubric in the front of the classroom and you fill in your name, the date the # of SM Post this is, and your subject.
- There is a 5 point deduction if Lykowski has to fill in this portion for you.
- There is a 10 point deduction if you fail to turn a rubric in.
- The grading period ends Friday -- today -- so please try your hardest to get your work in this week.
- When you are done with your post -- please put a GREEN dot in the column on the board so (you and I) know where you are.
- SM Post 2 HAS TO BE DUE in full on Friday -
Text for your posts was due Wednesday - 10 points
- See example text document here
Remember you have to make a folder with your name in the SM Post 2 folder
Inside the folder you will make a text document
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
- Your Facebook post - 10 points (You post as us)
- Your Tweet - 10 points (You post as you)
Your Pinterest text - 10 points (You post as you)
- Send Lykowski the document via Google Doc when you are done with text - this was due Wednesday
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
Put your GFXs or pictures for your post in your folder -- DUE THURSDAY
- GFX 40 points
- Pictures 30 points
- Include your screen shots of your posts for your resume - 3 points -- DUE FRIDAY
- Make sure all urls are linked on our spreadsheet in your row
Inside the folder you will make a text document
Lots to remember -- so please email me or get my attention in class if you have any questions
MARCH. 8, 2018 - THURSDAY- Day 37
CLASS: 39 minutes
DUE TODAY -- Put your GFXs or pictures for your post in your folder -- DUE THURSDAY
- GFX 40 points
- Pictures 30 points
- Click here for the SM Posting 2 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder for SM 2 Links to an external site.
MARCH. 7, 2018 - WEDNESDAY- Day 36
CLASS: 37 minutes
- Click here for the SM Posting 2 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder for SM 2 Links to an external site.
- The grading period ends Friday -- so please try your hardest to get your work in this week.
- When you are done with your post -- please put a GREEN dot in the column on the board so (you and I) know where you are.
- Text for your SM POST #2 due Wednesday - 10 points
- See example text document here
- WHEN YOU ARE COMPLETE WITH YOUR TEXT --- send the Google Doc to Lykowski by going up to share and send it to me so I can grade it. This is a requirement each week.
Again, remember you have to make a folder with your name in the SM Post 2 folder
Inside the folder you will make a text document
On the text document (Due Wednesday - today) you will include the following:
- Your Facebook post - 10 points (You post as us)
- Your Tweet - 10 points (You post as you)
Your Pinterest text - 10 points (You post as you)
- Send Lykowski the document via Google Doc when you are done with text - this is due Wednesday
On the text document (Due Wednesday - today) you will include the following:
DUE TOMORROW -- Your GFX or pictures for your post #2 in your folder -- DUE THURSDAY
- GFX 40 points
- Pictures 30 points (or more - based on a case by case basis)
- Include your screen shots of your posts for your resume inside your folder as well - 3 points -- DUE FRIDAY
- Make sure all urls are linked on our spreadsheet in your row
Inside the folder you will make a text document
Lots to remember -- so please email me or get my attention in class if you have any questions I will try my best to get to you
MARCH. 6, 2018 - TUESDAY- Day 35
CLASS: 34 minutes
MARCH. 5, 2018 - MONDAY- Day 34
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder for SM 1
- Click here to access the SM posting 1 Spreadsheet
- Many people did not finish the assignment continue if you are one of them
- If you are not one of them move on to SM 2 Posting Assignment
- Click here for the SM Posting 2 Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here to access our SM Posting Folder for SM 2 Links to an external site.
- Subject ideas due today - 10 points
- Write your subject idea on the spreadsheet
- Grading period ends at the end of this week - our class is shortened due to ISTEP T-TH
- Here's the list below you go to to find things going on every week:
- PTV Website Links to an external site.
- In this folder Links to an external site. found in our SM Assignment folder under ideas
- In our room on the big bulletin board when you walk in - go look at the calendar pinned up on the bulletin board.
- Stuff happening in your classes.
When you find a topic of what you'd like to cover -- let it be known -- it's a first come first served approval.
1. Ask for approval - (If you can't get Lykowski's attention because she is assisting others move on to #2)
2. Write it on the board - (Lykowski will put a green check mark or green dot = approved in the column/row)
3. Type it in our weekly SM (social media) assignment spreadsheet found inside this folder Links to an external site. (Lykowski will "green it" when approved)
Continue putting things on Amy Mahan's sheet
Anna and Diego:
Please continue to fille in the URLs for the Pilot articles
FEB. 27, 2018 - MARCH 2, 2018 - TUESDAY - FRIDAY - DAY 31 - 35
New 2nd semester students --
- SM Post 1 HAS TO BE DUE in full on Friday - 40 points
Text for your posts is due Wednesday - 10 points
- See example text document here
- Click here to access out SM Posting Folder
- Click here to access the SM posting Spreadsheet
Remember you have to make a folder with your name in the SM Post 1 folder
Inside the folder you will make a text document
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
- Your Facebook post - 10 points (You post as us)
- Your Tweet - 10 points (You post as you)
Your Pinterest text - 10 points (You post as you)
- Send Lykowski the document via Google Doc when you are done with text
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
Put your GFXs or pictures for your post in your folder
- GFX 40 points
- Pictures 30 points
- Include your screen shots of your posts for your resume - 3 points
- Make sure all urls are linked on our spreadsheet in your row
Inside the folder you will make a text document
Returning students week-long assignment
Please finish these off today - Click here Links to an external site.
- Turn in calendar TODAY! What is the hold up on these three??????
Jan. 29, 2018 - Monday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 30, 2018 - Tuesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 31, 2018 - Wednesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
- Pilot News project Links to an external site.-- MOVE ON YOUR February PROJECT
- See this spreadsheet Links to an external site.(February - is your month - your focus) and it looks bare!
- Fill in each day what you get done.
- Also please fill out one of the daily sheets and turn it in the Tan turn in tray so I am aware of what you did each day.
- When you are done with Feb. I will have you move on to Sept.
- Please work diligently so we can move on to way more fun things soon.
- Please finish and fill in the Pilot News Spreadsheet for October Links to an external site..
Please complete column F
When complete put yes click here in column F's row and link it to your URL of the document you created -- just don't green them I will green them when I put the grade in the gradebook for you and transfer the content to Amy Mahan's sheet.
- Turn in October calendar each day when you are done so I know what you did each day!
FEB. 26, 2018 - MONDAY - NO SCHOOL
FEB. 23, 2018 - Friday- Day 30 - -- DEADLINE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT IS by start of class Monday PER KYLE COFFMAN
1. Click Here Links to an external site. to access the 2018 Menominee Kindergarten Roundup Photo folder.
2. Please pick at least 3 photos from the above folder that you feel paints the picture best of what Kindergarten is like at Menominee Elementary School. (9 points)
3. Of your 3 photos please make sure one photo is an action shot of a student doing something educational and one is a non-candid photo when the student(s) are looking at the camera. (5 points)
4. Please Identify the photos by the image's photo number. Example: IMG_6183 (3 points)
5. For each photo choice please write one full sentence explaining why you feel the photos you picked does such a good job of painting the picture of what kindergarten is like at Menominee? (15 points)
6. The photos you like the best (as a class) will be included in this year's Kindergarten roundup online marketing materials and will be seen by many potential parents.
1. Just like yesterday ... to submit your assignment... create a google doc (4 points) for this assignment and title it your first and last name and 2-23-18 (4 points)
- Ex. Judi Lykowski 2-23-18
2. Once you are done share it directly with me via Goolge document.
3. That's it. - Thank you for your help!
1. Click Here Links to an external site. to access the 2018 Jefferson Kindergarten Roundup Photo folder.
2. Please pick at least 3 photos from the above folder that you feel paints the picture best of what Kindergarten is like at Jefferson Elementary School.(9 points)
3. Of your 3 photos please make sure one photo is an action shot of a student doing something educational and one is a non-candid photo when the student(s) are looking at the camera. (5 points)
4. Please Identify the photos by the image's photo number. Example: IMG_6183 (3 points)
5. For each photo choice please write one full sentence explaining why you feel the photos you picked does such a good job of painting the picture of what kindergarten is like at Jefferson? (15 points)
6. The photos you like the best (as a class) will be included in this year's Kindergarten roundup online marketing materials and will be seen by many potential parents.
1. Just like yesterday ... to submit your assignment... create a google doc (4 points) for this assignment and title it your first and last name and 2-22-18 (4 points)
Ex. Judi Lykowski 2-22-18
2. Once you are done share it directly with me via Goolge document.
3. That's it. - Thank you for your help!
FEB. 21, 2018 - Wednesday- Day 28
2-21-18 eLearning Assignment
2nd Hour Career Marketing
40 points
Today our eLearning Assignment for 2nd Hour Career Marketing will be an actual assignment vs. a submittal of a social media photo. In the marketing world redundancy of the same ole same ole doesn’t cut it -- so although it’s fine for one eLearning Day here or there -- pictures of people doing their eLearning assignment becomes boring and it’s time to move on after a repeat of eLearning Days. Therefore considering you are getting ready to embark on your social media posts (if and when we return to the actual classrooms)… on three social media platforms Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest… this assignment today will make you research those three platforms and learn a little bit more about each one of them.
eLearning 40 point Assignment Directions:
- Create a Google Drive document titled your 1st and last name and today’s date.
- Ex. Judi Lykowski 2-21-18
- Copy and paste the following questions onto your eLearning assignment document
- Answer the questions
- Submit your assignment before 10 a.m. tomorrow via Google drive document to Lykowski directly.
- This assignment should be pretty cut and dry - but if you have any questions reach out via email, text, or you can call 574-780-3394.
eLearning Assignment Questions:
- Which social media platform is credited for launching the hashtag? (5 points)
- Who launched Twitter and when? (5 points)
- Who launched Pinterest and when? (5 points)
- Who launched Facebook and when? (5 points)
- What is the difference between “tagging someone” on Twitter and including their “hashtag”? (10 points) (Answer must be in a full sentence)
- Based upon our Social Media Posting assignment rubric Download Social Media Posting assignment rubric… how many pictures does your Tweet have to include? (2 points)
- Based upon our Social Media Posting assignment rubric… how many pictures does your Facebook Post have to include? (2 points)
- Based upon our Social Media Posting assignment rubric… how many pictures does your Pinterest Pin have to include? (2 points)
- Based upon our Social Media Posting assignment rubric… which social media platform are you posting your social media post as PHS and not you? (2 points)
- What is one (name) of our PCSC “legit” hashtags that is connected to one of our PCSC social media accounts? (2 points)
Anna and Diego
- I am having you two do this assignment - click here Links to an external site.. You two are too familiar with social media to need a refresher considering you were just in Career Marketing last semester.
- As for Laura - it’s been a good 1.5 years since you were in our digital marketing class… therefore Laura, I am having you do the regular assignment above for 1st year students so it will serve as a refresher.
FEB. 20, 2018 - TUESDAY- Day 27
- Sorry -- still sick with flu symptoms and nothing I can do about it -- you will have a sub so please do you work and we can move on once I am back which will hopefully be Wednesday.
- No need to worry about Webzone -- no one is going to be posting their social media live today without me there. As long as you have everything in your folders that's all I am worried about.
- So-- make sure your text for SM Post 1 is 100% all ironed out and you have your pictures submitted or your GFX made.
- I am talking to you directly Zack. Read the feedback in your email and complete the task at hand.
- Dalton I gave you feedback as well please iron your wording out.
- Sarah, Hannah, Allison it's been so long since I looked at your text I have no idea if you have it 100% ironed out -- that is for you to figure out -- look at the rubric and tweak accordingly.
- Erik - I never got your text I'm 100% sure on this-- so you are behind so please get this in - read it out loud if need be -- ask the person next to you to read it and give you feedback on what is missing.
- Everyone -- Remember it's a social media post not a novel. You just need the who, why, when, where and what mixed together in a conversational way so that our social media followers can understand the good news you are sharing about all of our indivual stories.
- Sarah, I never got the GFX you were supposed to finish with Diego or Laura on Friday. If you do not send me it today in your Google Drive folder via Google Drive... the project will have to be entered as a zero. Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday -- today is Tuesday. In order to properly marketing the conferences -- it needed to be posted by now.
- Everyone -- remember as I have shown you via the overhead projector - you have to send me your work when you are finished via Google Folder -- so literally share the google drive folder with me so I know you are finished.
- Paytyn - please be a team leader and read over other people's post and help them. Thank you - if no one needs your help move on to the next bullet point.
- Paytyn & Yessica - please use the period to work on your LinkedIn account. You do not need webzone open to access LinkedIn.
- Yessica - You are welcome to attend Jefferson's event tomorrow during class time to get pictures - you would have to ask Laura or Diego to sign you out one of our cameras, or Mrs. Clevenger... make sure the camera has an SD card, it is charged, it works, and it is off (so the battery doesn't die) on you.
Please finish these papers I asked you to do last week - they are not finished in the spreadsheet. Click here (Links to an external site.)
Jan. 3, 2018 - Wednesday |
Jan. 4, 2018 - Thursday |
Jan. 5, 2018 - Friday |
Jan. 6, 2018 - Saturday/ Sunday |
Jan. 29, 2018 - Monday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 30, 2018 - Tuesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 31, 2018 - Wednesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Diego: Finish the Pilot Papers below
Pilot News project (Links to an external site.)-- February
2-14-18 Wednesday 2-15-18 Thursday 2-16-18 Friday 2-17-18 Saturday WEEK 4 2-19-18 Monday 2-20-18 Tuesday
Looks like you are done with December (CONGRATS) after these two dates:
Dec. 21, 2017 - Thursday |
Dec. 22, 2017 - Friday |
When you are done with the ones above please move back to October and just complete column F-
When Complete put yes in column and do not green them -- I will green them when I put the grade in the grade book for you.
- Turn in your calendar please
FEB. 16, 2018 - FRIDAY- Day 26
You will have a sub - Lykowski has the flu-- She will post sub plans before class tomorrow.
Sorry -- I can' be there but I have a fever and that wouldn't work out very well.
- If you didn't do your elearning assignment yesterday by 3:15 p.m. -- Google drive has a time stamp so know if you submitted it after 3:15 I do not take it and you move on to the alternative assignment.
No one in any of my classes is on the did not have internet yesterday -- I just checked.
- You can't just say you didn't have internet -- you have to have your parent call the school yesterday by 3:15 and report you did not have internet.
- Anyway -- if you didn't do the elearning assignment you can do the alternative assignment today and I will still give you credit. But it has to be in today before class is over. You will have to send me the assignment via the google doc you make for this assignment. Here is the assignment link: Click here Download Click here
- I still haven't received Google drive documents on the text that was due Wednesday from the following:
- Erik
- Dalton
- Sarah
- Zack
- Ask Allisa how to send me your completed text via Google drive.
- Allisa, make sure you unload your WSOI Clay for cancer pics in a folder inside of your SM Post 1 folder. If I'm feeling better I might be able to post it later for you on WSOI's FB Page.
- Sarah, please have Diego or Laura help you with making your Parent-teacher conference GFX look better. When done submit both the "Still" GFX and the .motn file folder. Diego can help you with that parent for sure.
Returning students week-long assignment Continue below PLEASE:
Please finish these off today - Click here Links to an external site.
- Turn in calendar each day!
Jan. 29, 2018 - Monday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 30, 2018 - Tuesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 31, 2018 - Wednesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
- Pilot News project Links to an external site.-- February
- 5 points each PDF you save in our Feb. Put in the Google Drive Pilot folder coinsiding with the day of the week you are working on.
- 10 points for each PCSC story you find in the paper
- I already did the 2nd and the 5th -- so before the end of this week I need you to finish off the other days.
- See this spreadsheet Links to an external site.(February - is your month - your focus) and fill in each day what you get done. Also please fill out one of the daily sheets and turn it in the Tan turn in tray so I am aware of what you did each day.
- See Laura if you have any questions.
- You are ONLY looking for PCSC related stories news related -- not sports -- just because we don't have enough people to get a handle on news stories yet.
- When you are done with Feb. I will have you move on to Sept.
- Please work diligently so we can move on to way more fun things soon.
- What's going on with December with the Pilot News project Links to an external site.?
- Seems like you have been sitting on this for a while?
- Please finish and fill in the Pilot News Spreadsheet for Decemeber.
Dec. 12, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 13, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 14, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 15, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite Dec. 16, 2017 - Saturday/ Sunday Anna Hite Week 4 Dec. 17, 2017 - Monday Anna Hite Dec. 18, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 19, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 20, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 21, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite -
When you are done with the onces above please move back to October and complete column F
When Complete put yes in column and do not green them -- I will green them when I put the grade in the gradebook for you.
- Turn in calendar each day!
FEB. 15, 2018 - THURSDAY- Day 25
ELearning Plans posted on the PHS Hub --
I am going to copy and past them below:
ELearning Assignment
- Lykowski’s TWO EXAMPLES: Click here Links to an external site.
- CLICK HERE Links to an external site. to access the Career Marketing entire eLearning folder
- (You have viewing rights only above)
- Click HERE Links to an external site.for today’s 2-15-18 folder for this assignment
- (You have editing rights)
- Make a folder for your assignment IN OUR 2-15-18 ELEARNING DAY FOLDER
- Title the folder by your FIRST & LAST THIS TIME -- SORRY -- YOU NEVER KNOW ABC 57 MIGHT COME ASKING FOR YOUR STUFF AGAIN? So this time put your first and last name.
- Ex. Judi Lykowski eLearning Day
- Upload your (1) tweaked assignment photo that shows one of the following:
- You doing your eLearning assignments
- Your sibling(s) etc., doing their eLearning assignment(s)
- The fog outside
- You will also need to create a document inside your folder and tell me who, where, when and why… in a few full sentences of the description in THIRD PERSON….
EXAMPLE 1 - "weather themed":
We are still under a fog advisory here in Marshall County -- the city of Plymouth put this sign out on Michigan Street to warn drivers this morning of the dense fog. This is the view from the sidewalk outside a residential area in Plymouth.
EXAMPLE 2 - "eLearning themed":
Chris Taylor, a 4th grade student at Menominee logs into his iPad to start his eLearning assignments at home, while his mom checks to see if he needs help.
- If someone is seen in the photo you will have to tell me who the person is (first and last name, what school they go to and what grade they are in) -- I can’t guess.
DUE DATE: Today during the eLearning day.
- If you do not have internet to complete this assignment your parent has to call PHS and leave a message for Robin Keller in the attendance office - otherwise you will be responsible for doing our elearning assignment.
Anyone after 3:15 p.m. today submitting this assignment will have to complete this alternative eLearning Day assignment here.
Links to an external site.
- This assignment will be due before class tomorrow - Friday.
- If you did not have internet at home and you are on the no internet list PHS puts out to teachers… your assignment - CLICK HERE -- Links to an external site.is due on Monday before the beginning of class.
It is the same assignment that I gave as an alternative assignment on Friday when we has our last eLearning day.
- No one completed it -- therefore I am using it again.
Just text or email me - I will be available throughout the day today.
ZACK and LAURA -- You will just be doing this assignment once -- for Career Marketing and Radio TV.
- If you are behind on your GFXs get thouse in look at the grade book I updated it last night
- If you didn't send me via Google Doc your text to proof on your SM Post 1 assignment do so
- If you didn't fill out the Important stuff spreadsheet Links to an external site. -- do so I'm putting those grades in
FEB. 14, 2018 - WEDNESDAY- Day 24
New students --
- SM Post 1 is due in full this Friday - 40 points
Text for your posts is due TODAY -- Wednesday - 10 points
- See example text document here Links to an external site.
- Click here to access out SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.
- Click here t Links to an external site.o access the SM posting Spreadsheet
Remember you have to make a folder with your name in the SM Post 1 folder
Inside the folder you will make a text document
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
- Your Facebook post - 10 points (You post as us)
- Your Tweet - 10 points (You post as you)
Your Pinterest text - 10 points (You post as you)
- You can send Lykowski the document via Google Doc to proof read when you are done
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
- Put your GFXs or pictures for your post (GFX 40 points - Pictures are worth 30 points)
- Include your screen shots of your posts for your resume sheet - 3 points
Inside the folder you will make a text document
Returning students week-long assignment
Please finish these off today - Click here Links to an external site.
- Turn in calendar each day!
Jan. 29, 2018 - Monday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 30, 2018 - Tuesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 31, 2018 - Wednesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
- Pilot News project Links to an external site.-- February
- 5 points each PDF you save in our Feb. Put in the Google Drive Pilot folder coinsiding with the day of the week you are working on.
- 10 points for each PCSC story you find in the paper
- I already did the 2nd and the 5th -- so before the end of this week I need you to finish off the other days.
- See this spreadsheet Links to an external site.(February - is your month - your focus) and fill in each day what you get done. Also please fill out one of the daily sheets and turn it in the Tan turn in tray so I am aware of what you did each day.
- See Laura if you have any questions.
- You are ONLY looking for PCSC related stories news related -- not sports -- just because we don't have enough people to get a handle on news stories yet.
- When you are done with Feb. I will have you move on to Sept.
- Please work diligently so we can move on to way more fun things soon.
- What's going on with December with the Pilot News project Links to an external site.?
- Seems like you have been sitting on this for a while?
- Please finish and fill in the Pilot News Spreadsheet for Decemeber.
Dec. 12, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 13, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 14, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 15, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite Dec. 16, 2017 - Saturday/ Sunday Anna Hite Week 4 Dec. 17, 2017 - Monday Anna Hite Dec. 18, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 19, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 20, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 21, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite -
When you are done with the onces above please move back to October and complete column F
When Complete put yes in column and do not green them -- I will green them when I put the grade in the gradebook for you.
- Turn in calendar each day!
FEB. 13, 2018 - TUESDAY- Day 23
New students --
- SM Post 1 is due in full this Friday - 40 points
Text for your posts is due Wednesday - 10 points
- See example text document here Links to an external site.
- Click here to access out SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.
- Click here t Links to an external site.o access the SM posting Spreadsheet
Remember you have to make a folder with your name in the SM Post 1 folder
Inside the folder you will make a text document
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
- Your Facebook post - 10 points (You post as us)
- Your Tweet - 10 points (You post as you)
Your Pinterest text - 10 points (You post as you)
- You can send Lykowski the document via Google Doc to proof read when you are done
On the text document (Due Wednesday ) you will write:
- Put your GFXs or pictures for your post (GFX 40 points - Pictures are worth 30 points)
- Include your screen shots of your posts for your resume sheet - 3 points
Inside the folder you will make a text document
Returning students week-long assignment
- What's going on with December with the Pilot News project Links to an external site.?
- Seems like you have been sitting on this for a while?
- Please finish and fill in the Pilot News Spreadsheet for Decemeber.
Dec. 12, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 13, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 14, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 15, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite Dec. 16, 2017 - Saturday/ Sunday Anna Hite Week 4 Dec. 17, 2017 - Monday Anna Hite Dec. 18, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 19, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 20, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 21, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite -
August, Sept. Oct. Nov. All have to be finished yet
When you are done with the onces above please move back to October and complete column F
When Complete put yes in column and do not green them -- I will green them when I put the grade in the gradebook for you.
- What's going on with these papers in January Links to an external site. Laura?
- Please let's finish them up... did you forget about the spreadsheet?
- Not sure why they say your name and then nothing?
Jan. 26, 2018 - Friday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 27, 2018 - Saturday/ Sunday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Week 5 | ||
Jan. 29, 2018 - Monday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 30, 2018 - Tuesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 31, 2018 - Wednesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
- August, Sept. Oct. Nov. All have to be finished yet
- When you are done with the onces above please move to August and complete this month
- Look in the August folder -- Bree Dillard orginally had this month I believe she did most of it --besides the titles in the spreedsheet and just not the spreadsheet and column F - copy and pasting the text out to a document
- Please finish this 100% so we can move on to more fun things.
- Pilot News project Links to an external site.-- February
- 5 points each PDF you save in our Feb. Put in the Google Drive Pilot folder coinsiding with the day of the week you are working on.
- 10 points for each PCSC story you find in the paper
- I already did the 2nd and the 5th -- so before the end of this week I need you to finish off the other days.
- See this spreadsheet Links to an external site.(February - is your month - your focus) and fill in each day what you get done. Also please fill out one of the daily sheets and turn it in the Tan turn in tray so I am aware of what you did each day.
- See Laura if you have any questions.
- You are ONLY looking for PCSC related stories news related -- not sports -- just because we don't have enough people to get a handle on news stories yet.
- When you are done with Feb. I will have you move on to Sept.
- Please work diligently so we can move on to way more fun things soon.
FEB. 12, 2018 - MONDAY- Day 22
New students --
- Today in class your topic is due for what you are going to cover this week. 10 points
- When you pick a topic - fill it in the spreadsheet and write it on the board.
- It is 1st come first serve
- If you do not choose something it is -- 0/10
- SM Post 1 is due in full this Friday - 40 points
- Click here to access out SM Posting Folder Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site.to access the SM posting Spreadsheet
You have to aks yourself --
- do you want to make a still GFX? or go take photos?
- Is your topic to come? Or did it pass? Or are you covering it?
- You can promote something yet to happen... cover something that is going to happen or cover something that happened that you got pictures of.
- Lots of options... You are to select a subject you want to cover -- that's why you are in this class -- to give you choices -- I can assign you the subjects but I'd much rather you cover something you like.
- Here's the list below you go to to find things going on every week:
- Media Coverage Request Sheet Links to an external site.
- PHS Daily Announcements - Add Yours Here Links to an external site. document PHS
- Weekly bulletin Lisa Huff puts out on our PHS website Links to an external site.
- PTV Website Links to an external site.
- In this folder Links to an external site. found in our SM Assignment folder under ideas
- In our room on the big bulletin board when you walk in - go look at the calendar pinned up on the bulletin board.
- Stuff happening in your classes.
Returning students week-long assignment
- What's going on with December with the Pilot News project Links to an external site.?
- Seems like you have been sitting on this for a while?
- Please finish and fill in the Pilot News Spreadsheet for Decemeber.
Dec. 12, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 13, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 14, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 15, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite Dec. 16, 2017 - Saturday/ Sunday Anna Hite Week 4 Dec. 17, 2017 - Monday Anna Hite Dec. 18, 2017 - Tuesday Anna Hite Dec. 19, 2017 - Wednesday Anna Hite Dec. 20, 2017 - Thursday Anna Hite Dec. 21, 2017 - Friday Anna Hite -
August, Sept. Oct. Nov. All have to be finished yet
When you are done with the onces above please move back to October and complete column F
When Complete put yes in column and do not green them -- I will green them when I put the grade in the gradebook for you.
- What's going on with these papers in January Links to an external site. Laura?
- Please let's finish them up... did you forget about the spreadsheet?
- Not sure why they say your name and then nothing?
Jan. 26, 2018 - Friday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 27, 2018 - Saturday/ Sunday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Week 5 | ||
Jan. 29, 2018 - Monday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 30, 2018 - Tuesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
Jan. 31, 2018 - Wednesday | Laura Orozco | 2-1-18 |
- August, Sept. Oct. Nov. All have to be finished yet
- When you are done with the onces above please move to August and complete this month
- Look in the August folder -- Bree Dillard orginally had this month I believe she did most of it --besides the titles in the spreedsheet and just not the spreadsheet and column F - copy and pasting the text out to a document
- Please finish this 100% so we can move on to more fun things.
- Pilot News project Links to an external site.-- February
- 5 points each PDF you save in our Feb. Put in the Google Drive Pilot folder coinsiding with the day of the week you are working on.
- 10 points for each PCSC story you find in the paper
- I already did the 2nd and the 5th -- so before the end of this week I need you to finish off the other days.
- See this spreadsheet Links to an external site.(February - is your month - your focus) and fill in each day what you get done. Also please fill out one of the daily sheets and turn it in the Tan turn in tray so I am aware of what you did each day.
- See Laura if you have any questions.
- You are ONLY looking for PCSC related stories news related -- not sports -- just because we don't have enough people to get a handle on news stories yet.
- When you are done with Feb. I will have you move on to Sept.
- Please work diligently so we can move on to way more fun things soon.
FEB. 9, 2018 - FRIDAY- Day 21
ELearning Assignment
- (20 point assignment - Due today during eLearning hours)
- CLICK HERE Links to an external site. to access the 2-9-18 eLearning Day folder for Career Marketing students
- Click on the 2-9-18 folder
- Make a folder for your assignment
- Title the folder by your last name and eLearning Day -
- Ex. Lykowski eLearning Day
- Upload your (1) tweaked assignment photo that shows one of the following:
- You doing your eLearning assignments
- Your sibling(s) etc., doing their eLearning assignment(s)
- You/Your family taking a break from eLearning outside shoveling, snowman, etc.
- The hazardous road conditions outside or from a door or window.
- You will also need to create a document inside your folder and write in a few full sentences of a description of what is happening in the photo. Make sure you include all the important facts, the who, where, why, when and what -- I can't guess where you live, or who's in the photo - so do not forget these facts.
- As last time we had an eLearning Day -- If someone is seen in the photo you will have to tell me who the person is (first and last name, what school they go to and what grade they are in)
DUE DATE: Today during the eLearning day.
- If you do not have internet to complete this assignment your parent has to call PHS and leave a message for Robin Keller in the attendance office - otherwise you will be responsible for doing this simple, easy - yet important assignment for marketing.
- Anyone after 3:15 p.m. on Friday will have to complete this alternative eLearning Day assignment here. Links to an external site.
- This assignment will be due before class on Monday.
- If you did not have internet at home and you are on the no internet list PHS puts out to teachers… your assignment - CLICK HERE -- Links to an external site.is due in Tuesday before the beginning of class.
Just text or email me - I will be available all day Friday.
ZACK and LAURA -- You will just be doing this assignment once -- it will count for both Career Marketing and Radio TV.
Zack- remember you had (Thursday Night) podcast homework duty last night -- if you didn’t get it in -- do so NOW -- it’s a 40 point assignment for Radio/TV. I haven’t checked the folder and won’t for a few hours.
Wednesday & Thursday - Feb. 7 & 8, 2018 - 20
1. Connect with Webzone (On our Home Canvas Page)
2. Continue to establish your Facebook account, Twitter Account and Pinterest account if you do not have one.
3. Complete columns Q through AA on our Important Stuff This Year spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Links to an external site.If I "GREENED" you -- know you are connected and your grade is entered in the grade book. If your row column is NOT green -- then know when I checked last (2-6-18 - 11 p.m.) You were not connected with our Facebooks.
4. In order to find the right accounts for you to like and follow (Pinterest/Twitter/Pinterest) Visit our Canvas home page - they are all listed right on the front home page with the URLS connected for you.
5. Move on to what you can cover if you are done... this is where you find your weekly assignments this quarter. Remember in order to market/promote something happening here you need to be in the know about things going on here (PCSC/PHS) etc. so start paying attention to what is going on around you.
- Here's the list below you go to to find things going on every week:
- Media Coverage Request Sheet Links to an external site.
- PHS Daily Announcements - Add Yours Here Links to an external site. document PHS
- Weekly bulletin Lisa Huff puts out on our PHS website Links to an external site.
- PTV Website Links to an external site.
- In this folder Links to an external site. found in our SM Assignment folder under ideas
- In our room on the big bulletin board when you walk in - go look at the calendar pinned up on the bulletin board.
- Stuff happening in your classes.
When you find a topic of what you'd like to cover -- let it be known -- it's a first come first served approval.
1. Ask for approval - (If you can't get Lykowski's attention because she is assisting others move on to #2)
2. Write it on the board - (Lykowski will put a green check mark or green dot = approved in the column/row)
3. Type it in our weekly SM (social media) assignment spreadsheet found inside this folder Links to an external site. (Lykowski will "green it" when approved)
Links to an external site.Click here Links to an external site. for your ISSMA Choir students heading to state marketing project folder
- Please make a GFX for the eight PHS soloists heading to state to compete on 2-17-18 - 40 point
- Your GFX will be used on our PCSC websites, the PTV show, PHS social media, and sent to the local media.
- You will need to get headshots of all students in order to make the graphic.
- Lykowski has pulled all students headshots mentioned in Green's email. You will have to weed through the headshots to determine which students are solo and which are part of the ensembles... please put them in alphabetical order on your GFX.
- Turn in GFX request sheet at your desk when you are complete with this GFX assignment.
- Upload the entire Motion GFX folder and exported image of your finished GFX in this particular project folder in our class folder Links to an external site..
- Deadline - Wednesday by the end of marketing class.
- Pilot news project for PCSC
- Please get acclimated to the Pilot News Project - Click here Links to an external site.
- We (Anna, Amy Mahan, Laura and I) need your help to move past this hurtle
- I am going to put you on a month Anna and Lauren are not on.
- You are already an editor of this project I added you a long time ago - I just haven't had time to train you.
- Advise - do not use Chrome to go into the newspaper -- PCSC rejects the download of the digital paper.
- Call me over to type my password and user name into the Pilot News website for you.
- Please remember to fill out one of those forms each day so I know what you've accomplished for points each day.
- Please continue the Pilot News Links to an external site. project and still continue to work on completing December, November, Sept. & Oct.
- As you know someone was assigned Aug. - through Dec. last semester - you, Josie and Bree but none of the months were done 100% complete and non of the stories were copied and pasted into the right folders.
- Remember no sports stories needed - JUST News
- How are we coming on these? Please leave me a note -- I can't wait to be done with the August through January folders and we can give them to Amy Mahan and we can move on!
Tuesday - Feb. 6, 2018 - 19
1. Connect with Webzone (On our Home Canvas Page)
2. Establish a Facebook account, Twitter Account and Pinterest account if you do not have one.
3. Complete columns Q through AA on our Important Stuff This Year spreadsheet Links to an external site.
4. In order to find the right accounts for you to like and follow (Pinterest/Twitter/Pinterest) Visit our Canvas home page - they are all listed right on the front home page with the URLS connected for you.
Links to an external site.Click here Links to an external site. for your ISSMA Choir students heading to state marketing project folder
- Please make a GFX for the eight PHS soloists heading to state to compete on 2-17-18 - 40 point
- Your GFX will be used on our PCSC websites, the PTV show, PHS social media, and sent to the local media.
- You will need to get headshots of all students in order to make the graphic.
- Lykowski has pulled all students headshots mentioned in Green's email. You will have to weed through the headshots to determine which students are solo and which are part of the ensembles... please put them in alphabetical order on your GFX.
- Turn in GFX request sheet at your desk when you are complete with this GFX assignment.
- Upload the entire Motion GFX folder and exported image of your finished GFX in this particular project folder in our class folder Links to an external site..
- Deadline - Wednesday by the end of marketing class.
- It's National School Counseling Week
- Head back out to get pictures of the other counselor's doors/signs. 10 points per shoot
- Stage it if you have to - remember this is marketing -- so it is ethically acceptable to stage things for the sake of what you are promoting/marketing.
- Make sure you get wides, mediums and tights, as an advanced student you take more photos than the minimium 4 photos - see me for clarification if you do not know what this means...
- Once you have all pictures tweaked... upload into this project folder Links to an external site. found in the 2nd semester project folder.10 points
- Post your pictures on PHS Facebook as a draft - 10 points
- Please remember to fill out one of those forms each day so I know what you've accomplished for points each day.
- Please continue the Pilot News Links to an external site. project and still continue to work on completing December, November, Sept. & Oct.
- As you know someone was assigned Aug. - through Dec. last semester - you, Josie and Bree but none of the months were done 100% complete and non of the stories were copied and pasted into the right folders.
- Remember no sports stories needed - JUST News
- How are we coming on these? Please leave me a note -- I can't wait to be done with the August through January folders and we can give them to Amy Mahan and we can move on!
Monday - Feb. 5, 2018 - 18
1. Connect with Webzone (On our Home Canvas Page)
2. Establish a Facebook account, Twitter Account and Pinterest account if you do not have one.
3. Complete columns Q through AA on our Important Stuff This Year spreadsheet Links to an external site.
4. In order to find the right accounts for you to like and follow (Pinterest/Twitter/Pinterest) Visit our Canvas home page - they are all listed right on the front home page with the URLS connected for you.
Links to an external site.Click here Links to an external site. for your ISSMA Choir students heading to state marketing project folder
- Please make a 40 point GFX for the eight PHS soloists heading to state to compete 2-17-18
- Your GFX will be used on our website, PHS social media, and sent to the local media.
- You will need to get headshots of all students in order to make the graphic.
- Lykowski has pulled all students headshots mentioned in Green's email. You will have to weed through the headshots to determine which students are solo and which are part of the ensembles... please put them in alphabetical order on your GFX.
- National School Counseling Week
- Head back out to get pictures of the other counselor's doors/signs. Stage it if you have to - remember this is marketing so it is acceptable to stage things for the sake of what you are promoting/marketing.
- Once you have all pictures tweaked... upload into this project folder Links to an external site. found in the 2nd semester project folder
- Please remember to fill out one of those forms each day so I know what you've accomplished for points each day.
- Please continue the Pilot News Links to an external site. project and still continue to work on completing December, November, Sept. & Oct.
- As you know someone was assigned Aug. - through Dec. last semester - you, Josie and Bree but none of the months were done 100% complete and non of the stories were copied and pasted into the right folders.
- Remember no sports stories needed - JUST News
- How are we coming on these?
Friday - Feb. 2, 2018 - 17
- Finish both GFXs at home on your own time if you haven't already. You've have a week for each graphic to explore Motion and create your graphics.
- We must move on with social media platforms before we can start individual assignments.
- Discuss what a NAT PKG is and how doing a NAT Pkg is an option for you this semester.
Thursday - Feb. 1, 2018 - 16
Last day to finish GFXs in class is today
- GFX 1 "FUN GFX" Links to an external site.- 40 points
- GFX 2 - "Resume GFX" Links to an external site.AKA Name Slate - 40 points
Wednesday - Jan. 31, 2018 - 15
Click Here - Links to an external site.Make sure Column's E through P are complete and you are not missing anything
GFX 1 "FUN GFX" Links to an external site.- 40 points
- Complete: Yessica - click here Links to an external site.
Links to an external site. Resume GFX -
- Dalton Links to an external site. - you need to make your photo move in
- Erik Links to an external site., your picture has a fade in FX on it not a movement
- Alissa Links to an external site., yours you have to go back in and click fit to make it the right size. Your Picture doesn't move it just appears 1 second in
- Payton Links to an external site., your picture is stretched out so it needs to be re-applied to the .motn file and the picture needs to move you have a fade FX on it to fade out but that isn't a movement that is an effect.
- Sarah Links to an external site., your name is moving for 5 of the 5 seconds it is only supposed to move for 1 of the 5 so people can read your name and your picture needs to move.
- Resume GFXs to assess -
- Hannah Links to an external site., you submitted yours as a .motn file you need to export it to an .mov as it says in the directions. Delete it and re-submit in the right format.
GFX 2 - "Resume GFX" Links to an external site.AKA Name Slate - 40 points
- Missing Resume GFXs - Payton, Hannah, Dalton, Yessica,
- Approved:
- Tweak:
- Alissa - Click here
Links to an external site.
- You are not following the instructions - one of the first steps is click fit --
- The text has to move for 2 of the 10 seconds - it's not moving for any
- Delete and resubmit when complete.
- Sarah - Click here
Links to an external site.
- You uploaded the wrong file - you uploaded the .motn file I need as the directions say the file exported as an .MOV file. Follow instructions Links to an external site..
- Delete and resubmit when complete.
- Laura - Click here
Links to an external site.
- Your text is NOT centered it needs to be shrunk down, centered, and move for 2 of the 10 seconds. Delete and resubmit when complete.
- Alissa - Click here
Links to an external site.
Diego -
- Continue GFX Request assignment - Click Here Links to an external site.
- Follow directions and turn in rubric (left at your desk Wednesday) when finished
Laura -
- Please continue the pilot project - Click Here Links to an external site.
- Remember to fill out one of those forms each day so I know what you've accomplished for points each day.
Also, how are we looking on the new health teach small write up for social media? Please send me the document with the headshot linked for proofing when complete via google drive.
- Here is a sample of how you will like the bio Click here. Links to an external site.
Anna -
- Please see email and post new student's bio and headshot. Click here Links to an external site.
- Remember to fill out one of those forms each day so I know what you've accomplished for points each day.
- Please continue the Pilot News Links to an external site. project and complete December
- As you know someone was assigned Aug. - through Dec. last semester - you, Josie and Bree but none of the months were done 100% complete and non of the stories were copied and pasted into the right folders.
- Remember no sports stories needed - JUST News
Tuesday - Jan. 30, 2018 - Day 114
Click Here - Links to an external site.Make sure Column's E through P are complete and you are not missing anything
GFX 1 - 40 points
- Missing Fun GFXs -
- Fun GFXs to access -
GFX 2 - 40 points
- Missing Resume GFXs -
- Resume GFXs to access -
Laura & Diego -
At some point and time this hour... Meet with Mr. Delp about your assignment during Homeroom. See email for new gym teacher assignment
Anna -
- Please go backwards with Pilot News project and complete December
- Someone was assigned Aug. - through Dec. last semester - you, Josie and Bree but none of the months were done 100% complete and non of the stories were copied and pasted into the right folders.
- Remember no sports stories needed - JUST News for now
- Also -- Please turn in your January print out month I asked you to take a picture of on Friday - I never printed it so this will save paper/ink - turn in so I can grade - thank you!
Monday - Jan. 29, 2018 - Day 13
Click Here - Links to an external site.Make sure Column's E through P are complete and you are not missing anything
GFX 1 - 40 points
- Missing Fun GFXs -
- Fun GFXs to access -
GFX 2 - 40 points
- Missing Resume GFXs -
- Resume GFXs to access -
Laura & Diego - See email for new gym teacher assignment
Anna -
- Please go backwards with Pilot News project and complete December
- Someone was assigned Aug. - through Dec. last semester - you, Josie and Bree but none of the months were done 100% complete and non of the stories were copied and pasted into the right folders.
- Remember no sports stories needed - JUST News for now
- Also -- Please turn in your January print out month I asked you to take a picture of on Friday - I never printed it so this will save paper/ink - turn in so I can grade - thank you!
Jan. 25, 2018 - Friday- Day 12
Today we have a guest speaker you will receive 20 points full credit as long as you…
- Listen respectively to our guest speaker and face the person
- Ask at least one pertinent question related to Full Sail University Links to an external site. that could benefit you or someone in the class thinking about pursuing advanced education after high school to get training or a degree to work in video/gaming/animated GFXs, TV, Film production, music, marketing, business, sports, etc.
- Lykowski doesn’t know anything about Full Sail so she too is interested in hearing what he has to say and learning about Full Sail.
You will lose points if you do the following below…
- If you do not give the person your full attention
- You are on your cell phone
- You have your back or side turned to the person
- You are on your computer
- You are talking to another classmate
- You have to be reminded by Lykowski to listen
- You do not ask any questions when given the opportunity
Thursday - Jan. 25, 2018 - Day 11
New Career Marketing Students:
Click here (Links to an external site.) to answer if you have the application. 5 points due today in class
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion directions
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion 5 second “Fun GFX” Assignment 40 points
- Examples Links to an external site. // Examples - Marketing Links to an external site.
- Turn yours in here Links to an external site.
- FYI - PLEASE NOTE this will likely be a few day assignment
- If done -- move on to RESUME GFX 2 Assignment 40 points
Wednesday - Jan. 24, 2018 - Day 10
New Career Marketing Students:
Click here (Links to an external site.) to answer if you have the application. 5 points due today in class
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion directions
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion 5 second “Fun GFX” Assignment 40 points
- Examples Links to an external site. // Examples - Marketing Links to an external site.
- Turn yours in here Links to an external site.
- FYI - PLEASE NOTE this will likely be a few day assignment
- If done -- move on to RESUME GFX 2 Assignment 40 points
Tuesday - Jan. 23, 2018 - Day 9
New Career Marketing Students:
EVERYONE ELSE: Is Motion installed on your computer?
Click here (Links to an external site.) to answer if you have the application. 5 points due today in class
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion directions
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion 5 second “Fun GFX” Assignment 40 points
- Examples Links to an external site. // Examples - Marketing Links to an external site.
- Turn yours in here Links to an external site.
- FYI - PLEASE NOTE this will likely be a few day assignment
Returning Advanced Career Marketing Students:
- One person tweak all usable Jefferson photos and upload to this folder Links to an external site.
- One person write the little article with correct punctuation, spelling, sentence structure. Make sure you cover the who, where, why when and what of the celebration. Use your resources, the Internet -- google the day find out some info if it's out there about the event.
- Work as a team. I will give you an equal grade/points for this team assignment.
- Must be finished today. Our other three K-4 schools surprisingly posted their photos already!
- YOU DIDN'T DO THIS YESTERDAY -- I am going to have to start giving you a 0/10 if you don't do this daily... Please fill out like last semester a what you did each day in here on a form in the front of the room for all your work you do in here every day... Please fill out a form now for all the work you have done over the past 8 days on the Pilot News assignment and any assignment you have done thus far this semester. Thus far I have no clue.
- Yesterday I have you posting Career Marketing students bios Links to an external site. and headshots Links to an external site. on our PTV at PHS website. Everyone's headshots are approved beside Hannah and Zacks. Sarah's is missing. I have no idea if you did this yesterday - fill out a form and turn it in daily.
Monday - Jan. 22, 2018 - Day 8
New Career Marketing Students:
- Hannah and Zack -- please re-take your headshots they are both way to blurry to use
EVERYONE ELSE: Is Motion installed on your computer?
Click here (Links to an external site.) to answer if you have the application. 5 points due today in class
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion directions
- Click here Links to an external site.for Motion 5 second “Fun GFX” Assignment 40 points
- Examples Links to an external site. // Examples - Marketing Links to an external site.
- Turn yours in here Links to an external site.
- FYI - PLEASE NOTE this will likely be a few day assignment
Click here (Links to an external site.) to answer if you have the application. 5 points due today in class
Returning Advanced Career Marketing Students:
- Head to front office sign out in the attendance office
- Arrive at Jefferson and sign in on their computerized system in front office
- Head to Kindergarten Teacher teacher Nicole Burns' classroom she is expecting you. Take good photos of the teacher and students doing their planned 100 day of school activities. Please gather enough information from Nicole to be able to write a social media post tomorrow in class. Then we will get this posted and up on their social media in a team effort. Decide who will be taking pictures and who will be gathering the facts. You can take video clips too with your phone or the camera.
Here is the folder
Links to an external site. set up for this team assignment
- Reminder tomorrow during SRT is when Mr. Delp has you recording Freshmen "Words" Links to an external site. - your gear will be set up and ready to go in our room.
- Here is the folder for this project. Links to an external site.
- Please fill out like last semester a what you did form for all your work on the Pilot News assignment you have done thus far this semester. Thus far I have no clue.
- Today I have you taking a break from that assignment to post Career Marketing students bios Links to an external site. and headshots Links to an external site. on our PTV at PHS website. Everyone's headshots are approved beside Hannah and Zacks. Sarah's is missing.
- Reminder tomorrow during SRT is when Mr. Delp has you recording Freshmen "Words" Links to an external site.- your gear will be set up and ready to go in our room.
- Here is the folder for this project. Links to an external site.
Friday, Jan. 19, 2018 - Day 7
1st Year & 2nd Year Students
- Erik/Sarah
- Payton/Dalton
- Hannah/Zack
- Laura/Yessica
- Continue with assignment - go back out if you have to and come back with a decent photo
- Next upload the photo to your computer (card read needed) or easier - use one of our class computer.
- Crop photo to include head and shoulders only --
- Take off any blemishes you want
- If you have redeye clean that up
- Adjust the colors slightly if need be
- When finished with tweaking the photo drag it to your desktop and name it Your 1st and last name and Headshot
- It has to go into the turn your headshot in here folder Links to an external site. which is located in our shared Career Marketing folder Links to an external site., in the Bios and Headshots folder
- Review checkout procedures and return policy, penalty
- Moving on to Motion next week
- Have an awesome weekend!
2nd Year Students - Pilot News Project
Pilot Newspaper Folder - Click Here Links to an external site.
SPREEDSHEET - Click Here Links to an external site.
Copy and pasting news articles are what it left for August - December so we can use them.
Also Bree and Josie didn't log the content on their month correctly. So I need you guys to fix that part so we can actually use it for our new Web pag Links to an external site.e.
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018 - Day 6
1st Year & 2nd Year Students
- Pair up with partners discussed yesterday.
- Each team has a camera.
- Discuss how to put battery into the camera, SD Card, where the AF (Automatic focus is), how to take off the lens, what the lens pen is for.
- Look at good and bad examples of headshot photos
- Head out to take your partners photos and they take yours
- Make sure you like the photo out in the field before you come back.
- Once back put gear away and eject SD card (tape card in case to your desk).
- Tomorrow we will pick back up the exercise and you will tweak your photos and turn them in.
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018 - Day 5
1st Year Students
- BIO ASSIGNMENT NEEDED TO BE COMPLETE YESTERDAY IN CLASS- if you do not finish... this turns into homework and must be finished by class - 20 point assignment
- For directions (the paper printout you received in class today) click here Links to an external site.
- Bios and headshot folder click here Links to an external site.
- Your Bio goes here folder Links to an external site.
- Example bios click here Links to an external site.
- Next go back to this assignment and fill in your answers on this class spreadsheet Links to an external site. that we call "important stuff this year spreadsheet"
- Make sure you have all of the columns dated 1-11-18 complete.
- Move on to the other ones - ask me about a specific column if you have no idea what it means.
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018 - Tuesday - Day 4
1st Year Students
- BIO ASSIGNMENT NEED TO BE COMPLETE TODAY IN CLASS- if you do not finish... this turns into homework and must be finished by class tomorrow to count for the 20 point assignment
- For directions (the paper printout you received in class today) click here Links to an external site.
- Bios and headshot folder click here Links to an external site.
- Your Bio goes here folder Links to an external site.
- Example bios click here Links to an external site.
- Next go back to this assignment and fill in your answers on this class spreadsheet Links to an external site. that we call "important stuff this year spreadsheet"
- Make sure you have all of the columns dated 1-11-18 complete.
- Move on to the other ones - ask me about a specific column if you have no idea what it means.
2nd Year Students
Pilot News Assignment -
- PLEASE - finish December - click here for Dec. Spreadsheet Links to an external site.
- Click here Links to an external site. for the folder
- Please see new aspect of the assignment (turquoise color column)
- Project shoot with Josh Martin and Megan A.
- Please work diligently this whole project is due tomorrow per Condon
- Shadow and helper - Olyvia Clark
Click here Links to an external site.for this assignment direction document
Click here Links to an external site. for the project folder
Click here Links to an external site. for the spreadsheet
- Both Graphics Due today
- 1st GFX assigned last Thursday - 40 points
- 2nd GFX assigned today - 40 points
- Upload both the still frame and the .motn file folders
Click here Links to an external site.for this assignment direction document
Click here Links to an external site. for the project folder
Monday, Jan. 15, 2018 - NO SCHOOL
Jan. 12, 2018 - Friday - Day 3 - eLearning Day
- Your assignment for today - Click here Links to an external site.
- DUE: Sometime today 1-12-18
- No one in our class contacted me stating they needed a user camera, therefore everyone should be capable of doing this assignment.
Hi everyone!
As explained just yesterday... at this point my eLearning assignment is quite easy and simple.
Here are the simplified directions below.
- The “severe” weather conditions that have caused our school to be closed. The ice on the road, your driveway, car windshield, (that’s about it for today on that aspect)
- If severe weather has diminished or is really not there then do not take a picture of conditions outside.
- You or someone you know who is at your house who attends our schools (perhaps a brother or sister) who is on their school issued iPad/Mac Air doing their eLearning assignment.
- Also, YOUR picture can be a selfie and you can look at the camera or it can be a candid type picture. Lots of options here right? Yep.
- GOOD EXAMPLE PICTURES - CLICK HERE Links to an external site.
- Example: Lykowski eLearning
- Post your picture on your account, write a brief post explaining who or what the picture is of … use the format/directions “losely” you used for our social media posting assignments before.
- Tag us
- No hashtag needed
- That’s it the end for you :)
- Create a document in this folder Links to an external site. and name it your last name and eLearning
- Example: Lykowski eLearning
- In the document tell me in full sentence who is doing what in the photo you took.
- I need to know if there are any people in the photo who the person(s) is/are in the photo you are using and what are they doing.
- If a student … I also need to know what grade the person is in and what school they go to and what their first and last name is.
- Example: Chris Parker, a third grader at Webster is busy working on his elearning assignment at home while his mom makes chocolate chip cookies.
- Example: Our driveway where I live in Bremen is a sheet of ice. My dad is trying to chisel our way out so we can take a break from elearning and go get lunch.
Hope you have a great day at home! Text me, call me, email if you have questions.
Jan. 11, 2018 - Thursday - Day 2
1. Reminder of eLearning assignment Links to an external site. review
- Returning students -- everything is the same beside if you can’t get the assignment done for whatever reason and it’s our usual -- "the pictures to promote it’s an eLearning day" -- then your assignment is now longer than our usual relatively easy assignment. Yours is the alternate assignment -- and it will be posted on Canvas the day of the elearning day… simply because because if you can’t get it to me the day of... t’s of no use as is --
- New students - I have to go over the assignment with you.
- 2nd semester students you are free to start the assignment today below.
Advanced 2nd semester students:
- Click here Links to an external site.for your assignment.
- Click here Links to an external site.for the spreadsheet Anna and Lauren
New 1st year students:
- Fill in your answers on this class spreadsheet Links to an external site. we call the important stuff this year spreadsheet
- Bios and headshot folder click here Links to an external site.
- Your Bio groes here folder Links to an external site.
- The 20 point assignment - click here Links to an external site.
Jan. 10, 2018 - Wednesday - Day 1 -- 9:15 - 10:05 a.m.
Bookmark these super important pages we will use throughout the entire semester:
1. This document Links to an external site.gives you ideas on things you can cover throughout the school year.
2. This Links to an external site. is our shared Google Drive folder for our class.
3. This Links to an external site. is our PTV at PHS program's website.
4. This Links to an external site. is our PCSC corporation wide marketing request Google Drive spreadsheet we will use throughout the entire semester.
5. Marketing resources Links to an external site.you will likely need throughout the semester to make your work look professional.